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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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Honestly, as much as I like him, I can't play Proto Man, and since I'm a nice guy I'm giving him to you.


I just picked Vile because I needed a serious character that could actually pose a threat to people.


Also because I don't like picking sides.



I wouldn't mind if you take Proto. I'm probably taking Ashe.


I'm taking Omega and a nerd.


Zero, just prove you can actually do this without godmodding for once, okay?


Wait, the Nerds = The heros, right? Or...?

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Yes, they are heros, major dicks at that however.


Oh we are having a rp sample, b**** all you want but it's sortof nessecery with such a large amount of people.


And the robot masters have a app, it's not just LolcallTurboman.


Damn it!


I want turboman.


But I can't have turboman AND Omega.

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Yes, they are heros, major dicks at that however.


Oh we are having a rp sample, b**** all you want but it's sortof nessecery with such a large amount of people.


And the robot masters have a app, it's not just LolcallTurboman.


Damn it!


I want turboman.


But I can't have turboman AND Omega.



You kind of can, if you want to be confined to 2 villains.


So do the Nerds transform into the heroes or...?



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Masturbation, that's how it works.



Anyway Ice the nerds are nerds, geeks with high tech s***, they get to be lulz characters and do things like the silly fanboys they are, but are very strong.


Heros are delusional Robots who still think they are the original characters, they are just as dangerous as the masters cause they have no idea what the f*** is going on and think nigh everyone is a badguy.


They are confused as they were built to kill the other robots after all.

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Masturbation, that's how it works.



Anyway Ice the nerds are nerds, geeks with high tech s***, they get to be lulz characters and do things like the silly fanboys they are, but are very strong.


Heros are delusional Robots who still think they are the original characters, they are just as dangerous as the masters cause they have no idea what the f*** is going on and think nigh everyone is a badguy.


They are confused as they were built to kill the other robots after all.


So the Heroes are Heroes or villains?

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Nerd = Creators of the Heroes, I think?


Unalligned eh? Can I have bit & byte? (They tend to come as a set) Or would they be villains?


So this means I have Zero now? =3

Vile is still technically a villain, but a Chaotic Evil Villain, as he just doesn't go with being commanded.


So I say that you can have a Villain and a Hero, but you can switch one of them to be a Unalligned character.

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