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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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How about this.


In the future the tales of megaman have became legends, consoles after consoles of 'interactive graphic novels' have been released detailing his exploits.


LEave it to nerds to f*** everything up.


A group of child genuis came accross a shocking revalation, their life is bs.


I mean sure they have sexbots and food and peace and all that shiz, but there is no death and explosions?


What happened to the good old days of bloody murder?


Vowing to fix it, they built robots based on these legendary warriors, programming them to think they are the original, and packing a few upgrades to fit the modern age.


They unleased them in a arena to watch the glorious fighting but made one mistake.


The walls were metal, Crashman has a drill.


Drills can cut through metal if strong enough.


Crashman was strong enough.


The droids are out wrecking havoc and it's up to the nerds to relive there silly fantasies by stopping there own fuckups.






Did I haz win?

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How about this.


In the future the tales of megaman have became legends, consoles after consoles of 'interactive graphic novels' have been released detailing his exploits.


LEave it to nerds to f*** everything up.


A group of child genuis came accross a shocking revalation, their life is bs.


I mean sure they have sexbots and food and peace and all that shiz, but there is no death and explosions?


What happened to the good old days of bloody murder?


Vowing to fix it, they built robots based on these legendary warriors, programming them to think they are the original, and packing a few upgrades to fit the modern age.


They unleased them in a arena to watch the glorious fighting but made one mistake.


The walls were metal, Crashman has a drill.


Drills can cut through metal if strong enough.


Crashman was strong enough.


The droids are out wrecking havoc and it's up to the nerds to relive there silly fantasies by stopping there own fuckups.






Did I haz win?

you can haz wins.



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It's split into two teams, the nerds who are heavily armed and trying to fix there own mess like superheros, and the upgraded robot masters, who are usually evil and wreck havoc since they think that's there job.


I call a nerd, King, and Zero BTW.

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YOu still haven't answered my question, can I be the evil Mega Man X clone that has the controller to all the other Robot Masters?

I think the point is that the Robot Masters are all sentient, having no real controller.


...I think its pretty obvious that I'm going to be a nerd.


It actually sort of makes sense for the government to be unprepared for this, they've been in peace for centuries.


And the nerds pretty much only have weapons from antiques that nobody uses anymore.

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Copy X is a real character, do you realize this?


He's a final boss infact.


Yes I know this, I've beaten him on several occasions.


He is still a X ripoff since he is a reploid copy of X.


I still don't see how this affects me being able to RP as Copy X.



No you beat Omega, a reprogrammed version of the original Zero that looks like you.

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You guys do realize that there is more then one copy x right? So just let Creator have a third copy. What harm can it possibly do? Everyone knows that X loses to Zero in the end anyway. >:3


@Nevert: YOU built one model. I built one in secret. kthnxbai


Also, you are trying to steal my character anyway, and I really don't want to fight, so I just say that there are two versions (which there are if you remember the series through RMZ) and be done with it.

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