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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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May as well, I am curious on what thy doctrines are, perhaps a latter subject?


Anyway, while I could annihilate them, I believe that satisfaction should be given to you.


*snaps fingeers and a ring appears in his hand*


This delightful device reacts to your soul, it shapeshifts via force of will, whatever item you get is what truly suits you, it also has powers to match it's form.


All of the Nexev's have one.


*tosses ring to scar*


Make sure they eat first, then give them one hell of a last supper.



The doctrines are long, but some if them state to kill people that out our beliefs on hiatus.

We're pretty aggressive.

BTW I am holding a naming contest for Brown, starting now.



Omega or Zeta.



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Thanks but I'm actually trying to keep the Class list down to a minimum. If you'd like you can co-lead the RP with me. Well actually it would be more of a vice-leadership role since I would trump you in any decisions...


Anyway I just have to get a few things finished up and then I'll be ready to create it.

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Wily upgrades all of the robots to something threatening and prevents Mega Man from getting their abilities?


And Crash f***ing Man is one of the first/captains of the new army?


I have nothing.



With Mega Man unable to take their weapons and the upgrades, I guess that Light may have to counter with turning several volunteers into androids with enchanced weapons in order to stop Wily.


I got nothing mate.

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