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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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Username: Blazing Tyrannosaurus


Your Characters: Clair, Jane Izayoi, Kanade Suzumi, Razor, and Keira Aldergaard.


A GOOD RP Sample:


Clair sat pensively at her computer, pale fingers drumming a steady beat on the faded tabletop. Pieces of dust floated lazily in front of her azure eyes, which happened to be narrowed in concentration. She was commencing her favorite activity, perfecting the art of forum-posting. The girl frowned as she read the requirements for a certain role-playing club on her favorite forum, the often-fluctuating Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Maker. Clair groaned softly and blew hair out of her eyes in frustration. The dust in front of her embarked on a chaotic mission with no purpose, fluttering around her like a swarm of angry bees. Off to Clair's side lay several pages of unfinished Physics homework, its leaded equations sinking slowly into the lined paper. One of the dust particles infiltrated Clair's iris, eliciting a stream of curses from the young woman. Clair rubbed her eye in aggravation, grateful that no one had heard her sudden drop in composure. She took several deep breaths, and began to type her application, pushing her English homework into the abyss of procrastination.


"Clair sat pensively at her computer..."

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Username: Blazing Tyrannosaurus


Your Characters: Clair, Jane Izayoi, Kanade Suzumi, Razor, and Keira Aldergaard.


A GOOD RP Sample:


Clair sat pensively at her computer, pale fingers drumming a steady beat on the faded tabletop. Pieces of dust floated lazily in front of her azure eyes, which happened to be narrowed in concentration. She was commencing her favorite activity, perfecting the art of forum-posting. The girl frowned as she read the requirements for a certain role-playing club on her favorite forum, the often-fluctuating Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Maker. Clair groaned softly and blew hair out of her eyes in frustration. The dust in front of her embarked on a chaotic mission with no purpose, fluttering around her like a swarm of angry bees. Off to Clair's side lay several pages of unfinished Physics homework, its leaded equations sinking slowly into the lined paper. One of the dust particles infiltrated Clair's iris, eliciting a stream of curses from the young woman. Clair rubbed her eye in aggravation, grateful that no one had heard her sudden drop in composure. She took several deep breaths, and began to type her application, pushing her English homework into the abyss of procrastination.


"Clair sat pensively at her computer..."


... *Hugs* ACCEPTED! You're here, Clair! =D


Come, be festive!


*Throws a bottle of wine to Dane* That's the only Alcohol you'll be getting in here, so enjoy it.

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Username: Blazing Tyrannosaurus


Your Characters: Clair, Jane Izayoi, Kanade Suzumi, Razor, and Keira Aldergaard.


A GOOD RP Sample:


Clair sat pensively at her computer, pale fingers drumming a steady beat on the faded tabletop. Pieces of dust floated lazily in front of her azure eyes, which happened to be narrowed in concentration. She was commencing her favorite activity, perfecting the art of forum-posting. The girl frowned as she read the requirements for a certain role-playing club on her favorite forum, the often-fluctuating Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Maker. Clair groaned softly and blew hair out of her eyes in frustration. The dust in front of her embarked on a chaotic mission with no purpose, fluttering around her like a swarm of angry bees. Off to Clair's side lay several pages of unfinished Physics homework, its leaded equations sinking slowly into the lined paper. One of the dust particles infiltrated Clair's iris, eliciting a stream of curses from the young woman. Clair rubbed her eye in aggravation, grateful that no one had heard her sudden drop in composure. She took several deep breaths, and began to type her application, pushing her English homework into the abyss of procrastination.


"Clair sat pensively at her computer..."


Totally forgot about a character list.

I can start making one.


Saint Dane is not the type that you describe in your post that I objected to. There's my argument. <_>


Someone does not know the meaning of "Objection!".

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... *Hugs* ACCEPTED! You're here, Clair! =D

Seconded... minus the hug of course. Clair's accepted.


@Ice: No that fact itself isn't sad. Mostly since most members on YCM seem to have the mentality of 10 year olds and lower it would make sense for you to be able to best them in an argument. Of course the mentality is the sad part.

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@Clair: I want to practice my debating skills. And a lot of these people think they're smart and think they're hot s***. That's why I want to debate with them.


@Proto: Me and you, broses.


Very sad.




Yes. It is. Now drink some wine. *Throws a bottle of wine to Ice*


Again: Only Alcohol you'll be gettin' here. Only for special occasions.


I'll save some.


@Ice: No that fact itself isn't sad. Mostly since most members on YCM seem to have the mentality of 10 year olds and lower it would make sense for you to be able to best them in an argument. Of course the mentality is the sad part.



Okay, besides those. I can still out debate people like Black (No offense), Zero, Cheryy (Again, no offense) and so on.


I'm just so awesome.

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@Proto: Me and you, broses.

Yep, we will flood the whole of YCM with intellectual 13 year olds.


And we will be KINGS!


@Clair I don't like debating, mostly because Icy can be really hurtful sometimes ;_;


And yes I am this much of a pussy in real life.

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I don't like debating, mostly because Icy can be really hurtful sometimes ;_;


And yes I am this much of a pussy in real life.





I was kind of kidding. ;D



Great minds Ice and I think alike. <3


Oh. That sucks. =/


Indeed, Clair-Bear.

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[spoiler=Drumroll, s'il vous plait. *Waits for Nex's Magical Drums*]

Your new Co-Leader.... is Saint Dane. He is now your boss, so treat him as such, while still being friendly. In other words, treat him the same, but respect his opinions.




@Shadow: ... What did you just say to me?


@Mystic: Your description made it sound even better.

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