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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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Yeah Zero is helping.



How can you believe in a guy who looks like a cheap Power Ranger Rip-off...


How do you even get cheaper than a Power ranger without sucking?


*Wide-Range Punt*

Looks is the key word.


He's basically supposed to be the classic action tv hero.


So he kinda is supposed to look like the power ranges and kamen rider and all of that.


It's not a serious game. It's supposed to be funny.


I mean it has a sergent dinosaur.


@Black: please delete your posts in my message. I'll redo it if I have to but really don't wanna.

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*grabs shadow and jake and places them in chains*


You two, stop, NOW... l have an important announcement.


lf it weren't obvious already, i've been dwindling away painfully slowly for several months. l don't want to drag out my stay much longer - It's time to pick a new co-leader, lest l finally die off and never return...


SO! I will ask Black-san who he wants via pm, and l want you guys to decide as well - No point in a hated leader eh.

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