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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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He's... he's... he's... HE'S AN EVIL SEDUCTIVE DOUCHEBAG! His douchefaggery is rivaling Aizen's, and he is just a horrible character (Not horribly made, just like... if he was real, you'd shoot him)




Black, when you said you had cute moments, I didn't know it meant that.

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.. *Shoots Vlad with Alucard's guns*


Not Seductive to ME. Seductive to the female main character, who is supposed to be with the Male lead character. I find no attraction to him.


Black, we all know your "I hate this guy" is just a cover-up for your true feelings.


...Okay, I'll stop. Just a little pissed today.

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... *Contiunues shooting Vlad* Meh, I'm just a romantic is all. I love a good love story/pairing that is not too sappy, and this is not... then IT comes in >_>


Sorry, dude.


Nothing against that.


Say, do you know a kid that has short, but not too short black hair?


Tell them to f*** off.

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