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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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Seriously, here are the villains thus far:


Stefan (Who lives after a shot to the head...)

Sofia (Seductress bee-otch)

Simion (DOUCHE).


All have dark hair and eyes (With silver lines around the pupils), and dress in dark clothing. Rarely seen before nightfall, but they are seen (Not generic vampires). Don't randomly bite/attack. Do eat real food. Have telepathy. DON'T turn into bads. Better reflexes.



You don't sound like you're enjoying this book very much.

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This man...I...I'm...wow.


But it gets better.


One of the most famous woodcuts of the period shows Vlad feasting in a forest of stakes and their grisly burdens outside Brașov, while a nearby executioner cuts apart other victims. This place was famously known as the Forest of the Impaled. In this forest is a story of Vlad's "sense of humor": a servant was holding his nose and Vlad said to him while feasting, "Why do you do that?" The servant replied, "I cannot stand the stench." Vlad immediately ordered him impaled on the highest stake and said, "Then you shall live up there, where the stench cannot reach you."

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Kefka is a crazed deranged lunatic who seeks to destroy and perverse all things holy.


So DL would just have to think 'what would I do?' and he's set.




But no.


It won't be an FF game, I don't have the experience.


But they WILL be up against some messed up people.


*does Kefka laugh*

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Kefka is a crazed deranged lunatic who seeks to destroy and perverse all things holy.


So DL would just have to think 'what would I do?' and he's set.




But no.


It won't be an FF game, I don't have the experience.


But they WILL be up against some messed up people.


*does Kefka laugh*

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You were merely voicing your actions Shadow, I did not see an asterisk before that.


However Shadow, stop tyring to tick me off. I have remained relatively passive in the many fights here; but that doesn't mean I wouldn't hesitate in unleashing my full might upon you in an RP battle. From the looks of it, you would lose in 5 moves or less.

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*Makes a grabbing motion so as to drag Nevert with me, then flies to the top and lands safely on the ground* Don't push, kick, punch, or do anything that would result from me falling off a cliff, including causing the cliff to crumble beneath me, okay? Otherwise, Jake will get mad that we are ruining that castle grounds, and/or dimply causing drama.

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