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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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Aries is a sign of new beginnings, and as an Arian you tend to be a quick thinker and doer, but you are apt to lack patience with those who aren't. You are enthusiastic, full of energy, and always ready to try something new. You like to pick subjects which are "yours" and put your head to work on them down to the tiniest details, but then ignore the finer points of other matters which might be just as important but are not quite your "thing". Because of this you begin many projects and do them well until you lose interest in them; then you just quit. And (there's no nice way to say this) you can be a bit of a slob.


On the upside, you are willing to make sacrifices, sometimes major ones, in order to help yourself or others. For example, you wouldn't mind if members of the family had to shack up with you for a while so long as they didn't infringe too much on your life and private time.


You are usually decisive and competitive at work, but you lack motivation in domestic activities. This sometimes leads to the sacrifice of a relationship so that you might further your career. To give you a bit of credit, though, you are very faithful once you do fall in love, but before that, your lovers had better watch out - Arians often have a high sex drive that leads them in experimental directions. This made me laugh.


While you do make a good friend, you can be impatient and have a nasty temper. These traits sometimeslead you to be aggressive and direct, a bit more so than many people can take. When you are in a good mood, though, you are one of the more cheerful, spontaneous, and generous people in your circle of friends.


Every now and again you feel the need to prove yourself, and this can lead you to be a bit impulsive or maybe even forceful in trying to make your point. For some reason, you can't quite accept criticism, even if it is constructive; but when you feel you've failed at something it doesn't set you back. Instead, it spurs you on, and you'll do anything to prove you're the best.


Crap, it fits... kinda funny how it does. Well, not ALL of it, thank God.

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Black I'm just suprised that as one of the people SO wanting to make that rpg . . . you are suprisingly absent in it.


Buisy you say? Pfft . . . doesn't take more than fifteen minutes to write na good post for the thread- and you can do that while switching occassionally to another topic [is how I do it]


EDIT: I JUST saw the post in the thread. Io swear you did that just to annoy me or something.


But it did help my statement. In less than a minute you wrote a good post for the thread *nods head*

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As a Gemini you usually think and act swiftly, and are always on your toes. Chatty and sociable, sometimes with a tendency to gossip, you are likely to be highly imaginative with a mind that is constantly seeking new information and craving new experiences. You love to study anything and everything that crosses your path. Because of this intense love of knowledge, if you are undereducated, or badly so, you might feel miserable and make those around you feel the same.


When your are intellectually satisfied, you can be refined and charming. However, you are not happy if things do not go your way. Everything has a place in your world, and if anything is misplaced, everyone around you suffers. As a Gemini, you are likely to find that when an emergency arises, you are cool and calm, unlike those who will panic around you. In these types of situations, you are able not only to develop solutions or plans of action, but good ones at that.


Geminis see money as a means of power and freedom. This is not to say that you are greedy, though. You simply like to be secure, and money allows this. Work is important to you in that it helps provide this security and gives you something to do. If you can't work, it causes you to feel unsettled and restless. However, you're not always reliable on the job. You only complete a task if you're truly interested, otherwise you tend to go in search of more fulfilling projects.


As something of a non-conformist, you can be very individualistic and creative. You can be witty, sociable and courteous, and enjoy being well known and liked, but you're not willing to change yourself in order to have this satisfaction. You dislike being tied down in any way, be it in a friendship or a relationship, and sometimes seek out changes if you start to feel trapped.

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