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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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Apperantly that is only part of the problem and there is this big issue but all the information came out of completly nowhere.


Basically it's totally just a series of Asspulls


Oh, btw, there are a couple of Checkov's in my app, so if I pull any twists and you didn't see it coming, totally your fault.

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yes yes and yes Dane. We've pretty much covered that XD


And Creator you made those rules just to aggervate my hangover didn't you XD


Nervert I wont mind- seeing as I feel the same way about my app. Everything was okayed by Black, so if anyone didn't see anything BEFOREHAND they wanted to deal with . . . well . . . too late now!


Find out on the next episode of Twilight Zone.





doo doo doo do doo doo doo do . . .

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Now see *hic*


THIS is why I believe it should, when the rpg has three or more co-owners, come down to a vote (=///_///=)


*locks and loads gun*


No I'll take out Shadow and call it an "accident".


Knock him out, burry him under the house with pure lime all over him. So when he wakes up . . . HE'S MELTING!!!!


*sigh of relief*


ah . . . good ol' grandma recipie . . .

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Getting defensive are we? Awww, how cute.





Your my brother?


YAY! <3


Oh Shadow, if you even try that it will backfire, I asked Rinne way back when I called you a prostitute, he said it wouldn't have counted.


This is even less insulting.


But he uses pictures! Pictures that he admits have nothing to do with the subject! How can anyone that cute be wrong? </3



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