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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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Hey Nexev...can ya come up with a scientific reason how Alternate-Reality Travel would work?

Simple it works on the process of SHUT THE HELL UP!



Actually it works on the process of simply logistics, every event has it's on possibiilities and there are different futures depending on which outcome occurs, this branches like a tree and is in itself alternate realities.


They are not truly navigatble though.


@Shadow: Right, your one to talk Mr Necro.

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I belive the topic of yaoi is banned, by calling my gay you are transending this rule.


I should have given you a warning allong time ago, since one of the clauses for warnings IS 'pissing off a leader' but I choose not to.


Do you really want to tempt me? Really?



I am not someone you want to have a kiesmess with.

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Y0U? }{4\/ING 4 nnind?

Th4t'5 4 14ugh. >XD This nnu5t 83 vv}{4t y0u }{unn4n5 (411 '4 j0k3'.


Quit3 4nnu5ing.


@Pr0t0: 5innp13, (r34t0r 08\/i0u51y in5ta113d 4 4ut}{0rity 0\/3rid3 1ik3 4 g0dd4nn }{4%. }{3 d035n't n33d nny 4uth0rity t0 0rd3r y0u 45 5u(}{. Ju5t r3nn0\/3 y0ur 455 fr0m th3 fl00r 4nd furfi11 y0ur pr3-in5ta113d 0rd3r5.

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Sex is UNBANNED, but the next post with the word "sex" anywhere in it will have "banned" transferred to the owner lol.


Yaoi is beyond banned here though, srsly. l'm not homophobic or anything, but for real, you will get in big trouble if it is discussed. *glares at broxet*


Oh, cpu is broke. horray.

It's not what your thinking, it invololves strong emotions of either hate or love which when mutal involves a bunch of genetic material given to some really scary dude with buckets who will kick your ass if you don't have any material of the hate and love variety to give, the stuff is then mixed into a big slush and feed to a giant grub who then prognetes the entire next generation which is then sent through a super trial to see who lives and then they get giant monsters as nannies.


@Dane: I'll join, if you need a villan I can help as well.

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