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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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So Shadow has something planned now?


I need to get in on this whole planning thing. Of course by plan I mean make an idea and inform all of like two people and then pray it happens, or make it seem like it's a given fact that it will happen in some cases, like the others have up to this point.

Oh course mine is a gurantee, it already happened.


Not the trap, the other one, it's all just cogs in a machine, did you think crime had no punishment?


That a war upon one's own kin, a bloody battle over power and it's existence would just be a small thing?


It is already stirring, once blood falls, then so shall you.


I know it's cryptic but be glad I'm giving you this much.

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Oh course mine is a gurantee, it already happened.


Not the trap, the other one, it's all just cogs in a machine, did you think crime had no punishment?


That a war upon one's own kin, a bloody battle over power and it's existence would just be a small thing?


It is already stirring, once blood falls, then so shall you.


I know it's cryptic but be glad I'm giving you this much.

Which is precisely what I don't like about it. I understand that this war was to have more structure to it than the last. But the fact that any one person seems to already be setting up to have complete control of everything major that happens in it, and is loving every moment, doesn't seem to fit with the intentions of the idea of the RP.


So from now on you can be sure I'll be trying to screw every plan that anyone could hope to have over if it's within my power or to my character's benefit.

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Which is precisely what I don't like about it. I understand that this war was to have more structure to it than the last. But the fact that any one person seems to already be setting up to have complete control of everything major that happens in it, and is loving every moment, doesn't seem to fit with the intentions of the idea of the RP.


So from now on you can be sure I'll be trying to screw every plan that anyone could hope to have over if it's within my power or to my character's benefit.


The whole point was to have TTG orchestrate the whole thing in order to free Glitch.

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The whole point was to have TTG orchestrate the whole thing in order to free Glitch.

Well as shown by Soulciety, a good number of the members joined only thinking it was meant to be a war so obviously that isn't clear to everyone.


Though all the arguing over apps was what was really killing the RP for me. Not the fact that we actually have villains.

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Which is precisely what I don't like about it. I understand that this war was to have more structure to it than the last. But the fact that any one person seems to already be setting up to have complete control of everything major that happens in it, and is loving every moment, doesn't seem to fit with the intentions of the idea of the RP.


So from now on you can be sure I'll be trying to screw every plan that anyone could hope to have over if it's within my power or to my character's benefit.

Oh no, this is a cause/effect thing right now.


The Glitch is a being of war and destruction, it is attracted by that.


The glitch will be released by means I have not yet formulated, even the fact that it might be releazed is questionable.


Any plan I have will be conducted in secret from this point forth anyway.


Just cause most of them will likely be Xanatos Gambits might make it hard for you but best of luck anyway.




Anyway you already have the way to win, you even know it.


Thus why are you worrying.


@app thing: Okay, not my fault, Shadow does this in about every rp.


He tried to pull a 'manipulate all powers' a few months ago when Aqua was around remenber, just cause I'm trying to stop the obvious from happening doesn't make me at fault when it happens anyway.


@Shadow: Just hope your plan can actually do the infintismal task of exceeding my expectations, otherwise it will bite you.

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Anyway you already have the way to win, you even know it.


Thus why are you worrying.

Actually if you recall I got in on that PM after the glitch took away what you said in the first post. And as it was never said afterwards, and when I asked Black he had forgotten, I never once saw what the key to winning was. ...So... since you were planning to tell me anyway, care to run it by me in PM? I can understand if you'd prefer not to however.


Why am I worrying? I'm not entirely sure. Though if I could actually post that might help things. I guess making me sit for a few days not being able to participate in the RP has me getting after things I wouldn't otherwise worry about. And that's only made worse by the fact that I don't want to be mad at Roxas for not posting because getting mad at him for having a life, or at least things to do, would be rather childish of me.

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I already explained how that power could be used in a way that gives you infinite power types if you recall.


And even so, it's still complete bs.


You were allowed 2 powers, not chaos power, fire power, ice power, blah blah blah.


Honestly, do you think that giving every host in every rp you are in a migraine actually makes you cooler?

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Energy Creation alone offers 4 different ways to toast an enemy instantly and add that to manipulation that's another 3 ways and Chaos Power is a walking Godmod if used in the hands of an expert *Cough* Me...

Only seven ways?


Raiden I am dissapoint.


My mechanical estimation gives it a almost infinite number of ways of killing people with Energy.

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Only seven ways?


Raiden I am dissapoint.


My mechanical estimation gives it a almost infinite number of ways of killing people with Energy.

I was tring to stay within the parameters of one type of energy BUT IF YA WANNA GO THERE PROTO yeah its an infinite killling vortex of f*ck you-ness

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