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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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Well, I would like to kill more of them, but if you just want to post us as victorious and everyone currently resting at the base, then that works as well.

Okay then, I'll include that part so when the new forum comes around we can get right into the next major part of the RP. Oh and don't worry, I'll explain why it took so much to kill them and what was so unnatural about them. As well as let Andx show everyone up.


Only if you agree that if you do pointless memes that annoy people, we get to kill you for it. >=D

Wait, we need excuses to kill Raiden? Oh right. Yeah we do. Though what Shadow says sounds good.

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... Raiden, think about this-


When Hichigo throws Ulqui's old arm at Ulqui, Ulqui merely touches it with Lanza, and it instantly disintegrates.

idk...considering that i would call it a good offensive technique either close or long range. But The Baden Lily is just such a gigantic SCREW YOU to any attack you try to mount.Arial, Frontal, Rear, You can even get caught by the lightning rods. And it kills your projectiles.


So how about this (just to be fair)

Where Lanza is a Godly-Tier Attack

Baden Lily is a Godly-Tier Defense

>_> juuuuust sayin *pats self on back for avoiding huge-ass confrontation then thanks self for the self back-pat*

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Well It seems as though Andx has answered your questions about the RP. I am rather pissed myself for one losing the entire forum with no access to a back up because of their stupidity and for losing the rp. But unfournitly life shall move on, and so will we. As soon as I recieve a decent amount of profiles (5-10) then I will start creating the forum. Then as we get more or as we began to grow again I will discuss with the other admins on what we should add in and what not to. As for a Theme though I will be doing a poll on the forums to see what everyone likes the best.

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