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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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... You are crossing hte line, Raiden. How is an exploding Nihilistic lance that destroys everything it touches WITH infinite stock NOT Cool?

Dont get me wrong...Its cool...but when your trying to pull Gigantic Tager Driver or Genesic Buster or Hell even Voltic Battler on her last 30% of health and suddenly GIANT ASS LIGHTNING BOLT kills you AND acts as a force field AND practically cancels your attack AND she can extend her range with those GOD FORSAKEN POLES!!!


Lanza is good...but it's no insta-f*ck-you-barrier and its more dodgeable than Baden.

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Well I got some bad news and some good news, as most of you here have been a part or was a part when it crashed, and for the people who don't know or care what I'm saying just skip or ignore. I will first say that the Forum I created for the R.P. 820 club "RPUniverse" is as of now officially gone. For reasons even I cannot understand the entirelty of MyBBest is completely gone from the network. As you might have guessed that would be the bad news. As for the good Black, Andx and I have decided to reopen a new forum, those of you who where a member in the past or might want to be part of it I will ask you to briefly fill out a short profile located below that could help us make the new forum better for you.


I should mention now to the R.P. 820 Co-Owners, you all are still welcome as the Co-Admins, as it was and still is a part of the club. If for any reason any of you want this removed just ask.



Profile for New Forum:


1: What sections would you like to see added to it?

2: What sections would you be most likely to be active in?

3: A big part of the forum will be dedicated towards RPing, If you have any special ideas you want to see implemented please say here?

4: Is their a certain typ of theme you want to see added into the forum if possible? (Ex: Bleach, One Piece, Anime, Games)

5: What would you like to see the name be?


I say that you should make it like RPU was. Also please, PLEASE tell me that our RP was saved somewhere.


My Mimo di Lanza is different, it doesn't explode unless I want it to.

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My Mimo di Lanza is different, it doesn't explode unless I want it to.

And THIS kids...is what we call thinking outside the box.


Instead of debating which two EXISTING Super Moves are the best...INVENT YOUR OWN!!!


And also *Drops a Steamroller on Creator*


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I plan to bring it back if/when the new forum gets put up. I'll do a lengthy summary of everything that happened in the RP while it was on RPU, make everyone fill out an abbreviated version of their app, and then we'll continue on from there.

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Well, this certainly puts a damper on things. So does that mean that the rp starts showing Black-san in Murcielago form, Enzax, and myself in Shadow form fighting those immortals?

....I'm thinking about just including the ending to all of that in the length summary and starting with the shift towards the "big adventure" part of the RP. But if you really want to RP that part out we can do that.

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How many times must I defeat you with this...


There is only one thing left to do...


We're no strangers to RPs

You know the rules and so do I

A full commitment's what I'm thinking of

You wouldn't get this from any other guy

I just wanna tell you how I'm Playing

Gotta make you understand


Never gonna give you up,

Never gonna let you down,

Never gonna run around and desert you,

Never gonna make you cry,

Never gonna say goodbye,

Never gonna give you pie and hurt you


We've known each other for so long

Your Hand's been aching but you're too tired to say it

Inside we both know what's been going on

We know the game and we're gonna play it

And if you ask me how I'm Playing

Don't tell me you're too blind to see


Never gonna give you up,

Never gonna let you down,

Never gonna run around and desert you,

Never gonna make you cry,

Never gonna say goodbye,

Never gonna give you pie and hurt you



Never gonna give

Never gonna give

Ooh give you up

Never gonna give

Never gonna give

Ooh give you up

Ooh never gonna give, never gonna give

give you up

Ooh never gonna give, never gonna give

give you up


We've known each other for so long

Your Hand's been aching but you're too shy to say it

Inside we both know what's been going on

We know the game and we're gonna play it


I just wanna tell you how I'm Playing

Gotta make you understand


Never gonna give you up,

Never gonna let you down,

Never gonna run around and desert you,

Never gonna make you cry,

Never gonna say goodbye,

Never gonna give you pie and hurt you


You just got Creator Rolled.

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