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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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Well I got some bad news and some good news, as most of you here have been a part or was a part when it crashed, and for the people who don't know or care what I'm saying just skip or ignore. I will first say that the Forum I created for the R.P. 820 club "RPUniverse" is as of now officially gone. For reasons even I cannot understand the entirelty of MyBBest is completely gone from the network. As you might have guessed that would be the bad news. As for the good Black, Andx and I have decided to reopen a new forum, those of you who where a member in the past or might want to be part of it I will ask you to briefly fill out a short profile located below that could help us make the new forum better for you.


I should mention now to the R.P. 820 Co-Owners, you all are still welcome as the Co-Admins, as it was and still is a part of the club. If for any reason any of you want this removed just ask.



Profile for New Forum:


1: What sections would you like to see added to it?

2: What sections would you be most likely to be active in?

3: A big part of the forum will be dedicated towards RPing, If you have any special ideas you want to see implemented please say here?

4: Is their a certain typ of theme you want to see added into the forum if possible? (Ex: Bleach, One Piece, Anime, Games)

5: What would you like to see the name be?

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@Andx's RP idea

I'mma put in either Tager or Deadpool "Destroyer of the 4th wall" as my character if that sh*t goes through

@Creator's RP idea

I kinda wanted to do a My Hill RP a while ago...but it failed...miserably


1: Anime Streaming Section,Fanfic/RPing,Games,/b/ (Random),Discussion,

2: The Above i mentioned

3: Probably an OOC/Planning Section as well as a brighter color scheme than RPU (It makes reading posts easier)

4: I'd definitley like the brighter color scheme that i mentioned. And i'd like a balance of different anime if that would work for a theme

5: RolePlayerRealm, RperBoundary, RolePlayNexus, RPNirvana, RPHell, RPBorder (that's all i got)

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@Andx's RP idea

I'mma put in either Tager or Deadpool "Destroyer of the 4th wall" as my character if that sh*t goes through

That would actually fit in rather well. It'd be weird and funny to have a character realize they're part of an RP and then make comments about it.


@Primal: I'll get my answers to those questions to you sometime tomorrow most likely.

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You obviously never touched a french baguette.


Nor do you realize that with the simply formula of kinitic energy the mass doesn't have much to do with the punch as velocity does, plus by opening your mouth it goes straight to your back of your mouth, conveniently passing your jaws of steel uninterrupted and tears your spinal cord a new one.


You have decapitated yourself over a goddamn sandwich.


Was it worth it?

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