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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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This calls for...yknow what...moar fanficshun



"I...am the spirit of Evil...i am darkness incarnate. I cannot allow myself to be swayed by things like pity...remorse...and least of all...love." Black repeats his creed to himself as he stands over several graves. The headstones read out. Here Lies. Tempest Dahalia, Proto, Creator, Jake The Sage, Andx, Nexev, DL-Chan, Raiden and Phantom Bakura. Black solemnly stands over them as a familiar figure glides next to him. "Partner...you realize it WAS their time..." Death whispered to him. "You are evil and i am Death. We have been working in our charges to the almighty ones since the dawn of time. Only now are you allowing these mortal relations to weaken your resolve." Death explained to him rather critically. Black thought back to what he had done in his time working alongside Death. The Holocaust in which he put the seed of an evil destiny into a young boy who wanted to become a painter by the name of Adolf Hitler. He was there to plant the seeds in two young boys from Columbine High School to take their revenge out on the student body. He was there behind so many others as well. Too many to mention. And only now is Death working against him. And who was he to question the will of the Almighty? "Death...why are you here?" Black asked turning to him. Certainly in no mood for conversation yet he needed to know. "I know this will be hard for you to comprehend Black...but it is the will of the Almighty Ones that your daughter...Monica be taken to heaven today." Death explained hanging his head low. Too low in fact to see Black's Lanza send him flying into the opposite end of the Graveyard before exploding. "I GROW TIRED OF BENDING TO THE WILL OF GODS!!!" Black roared letting his blood red aura explode out. "My Friends...All The innocents...AND NOW THEY WANT MY DAUGHTER?!?!" Black raged and Death came to his feet drawing out his scythe "Black..you have no right to question the will of the almi-" "SCREW YOU!!!" Black roared before firing off a massive Cero right at Death's head. "Screw You...and Screw the almighty ones too. I am Marsuvees Black. I will not allow something as feeble as Gods or even Death take from me what is mine ANY LONGER!!!" Black was enraged. He had fought enemies before but he had always been holding some part of himself back. Not now. Now Black was at the climax of his fury and his Aura took the shape of a gread red pair of wings. He grabbed Death by the arms and viciously ripped them off as Death howled in agony. Black took Death's Scythe and tore a hole into the otherworlds. He found his friends in their afterlives and freed them.


Black became the new Grim Reaper. Against the will of the Gods he is forever hunted. But he did not care. Mortal or Immortal, Holy Warrior or Unholy Demon, Nothing would Stop the mighty Marsuvees Black. His Scythe gave him the ability to harm and even kill immortals. He could fight the gods and even fate itself. Black would forever remain the Guardian of his friends. And Woe to the fool who would threaten them. Lest they find themselves....






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... Insignificant? INSIGNIFICANT?! The things I worry about have an effect on you for forever! I worry about you all, DAILY! Ecchi, You, Proto, Senpai, Ice, Nex, Creator, my grandfather, Cherry maybe, DL-chan, my IRL friends, DL, etc.! This is on a grand scale, not something small! To pine is to long, and I long for you to all...


@Raiden: ... Explain to me how a VAMPIRE died? Explain to me why I would reject God over death, when I'm lamenting beyond death?!... Otherwise... good...

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... Insignificant? INSIGNIFICANT?! The things I worry about have an effect on you for forever! I worry about you all, DAILY! Ecchi, You, Proto, Senpai, Ice, Nex, Creator, my grandfather, Cherry maybe, DL-chan, my IRL friends, DL, etc.! This is on a grand scale, not something small! To pine is to long, and I long for you to all...


@Raiden: ... Explain to me how a VAMPIRE died? Explain to me why I would reject God over death, when I'm lamenting beyond death?!... Otherwise... good...

....Deus Ex Machina?...Direct Sunlight?...Deus Ex Machina?


And as for your other question...Well...i see the badass protector type character (You) at his finest when he is prepared to fight against anyone to protect his friends. Be it the Government or Gods. It just makes it seem all the more badass when you fight against Destiny and Fate. A Protector who will not be moved even by the will of a God.


"With Blade in hand i will protect my friends from Harm, Death...I will even protect them from their own damnation!"- Tornix Altivar at the battle of the Sheol Gate

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Just my worthless opinion real quick. If a Divine Being sees someone as fit to go to Heaven or Hell. Then i doubt it can be helped. Now the second one of MY friends gets seperated from me THAT'S when i start splitting some otherworldly heads. Raise a little bit of hell wherever i am until im with ALL my friends in the same plane of existance. RPing with you guys for however long i feel like. Playin YuGiOh with my other friends. Hanging out with Eca from dawn till otherworldly dusk. All i know is be it Heaven or Hell or Nirvana or WHEREVER. I know im spending eternity with you whackos. Otherwise imma make EVERYONE else's eternity irritating. Cuz im immature and that's what i DO when i dont get my way.


*offers drink to Black*


Now sincerely my friend i must ask...Wanna Trip?

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Heh.. .you all think it's death... self-pity... whatever... but it is in fact... care for you people. Care for your very being... Who cares how I am, in this life?... I want you all to be happy, for one reason...



O rly.


I don't appear to be the epitome of suffering within my own mind.


Plus I probbaly won't burn that badly at death if that was an issue.


And there is the God is forgiving thing. So even if I screw up I should be okay later.


If I never suffered I'd never know joy anyway.

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Touching Moment Activate ^w^...and here i thought Jack would always be the least likeable character on the forum...(aside from Gmodders) But here you go giving him something that looks like friends...and here I go givin him something that looks like a heart...


Now i gotta depend on XOWLER to be my least liked and he has tragic backstory as an excuse for his douchebaggery (should he commit Douchebaggery)

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Wow you little piggy you XD just kidding


Well the only thing else I can suggest is taking a hot or cold shower. That'd usually knock me outta it for a while. If you think its because of some illeness you've got might I suggest a really . . . really HOT shower and sweat it out.


EDIT: Well Raiden I am just working with what I got ^^ And what about Minnie? I have a feeling she might change your character in there.


Plus I got a feeling you honestly can't play as a bad guy XD

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*just finished Needless episode 1 in another panel*









.....best anime ever...swear to god


Wow you little piggy you XD just kidding


Well the only thing else I can suggest is taking a hot or cold shower. That'd usually knock me outta it for a while. If you think its because of some illeness you've got might I suggest a really . . . really HOT shower and sweat it out.


fanficshu-WAIT THAT'S DISGUSTING!!! >-<

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