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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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Unfortunately I'm in the same boat of not knowing what's wrong with it. Primal might know depending on what he's been told. You might want to PM him to see what he knows about the situation. Though I know what you mean. I want to get back to it as well.




The YCM member brawl poll involving Tempest is now up! Your support for him is mandatory expected appreciated.

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Moar Dark Solemn Fanficshun

[spoiler=R.P.820. Moment Of Slilence]


Tempest rushed through the streets, he had been awoken from his sleep by the sound of a massive explosion and screaming. As he reached the site his eyes widened in horror. Proto and Shadow Zero were already on the scene clearing debris and getting people out of there. A woman rushed out of the area screaming at Tempest "YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE HEROES!!! HOW COULD YOU LET THIS HAPPEN?!?!?" She cried out at him. Unfortunatley he had no answer. With all of his powers he could not stop the planes. The most he could do now was help. And rushing into the wreckage that was exactly what he planned to do.


Jake dashed through the debris. The sound of screaming peirced his lungs as he found his target. Moving away a massive boulder he found the child the pleading mother had told him of. "Are you David Markson?" He asked over the screaming. "Uh-huh.." The child said trembling in fear. Jake picked up the child and began to run out of the collapsing wreck. With his power he easily reached the sunlight. But the boy's mother was nowhere to be seen. "Where is Mrs. Markson?" He asked a nearby aid worker. "She ran back in to get her son..." Jake turned around to see the wreckage collapse completley. Jake's eyes widened and tears filled the young boys eyes and another scream of agony filled the air "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!"


Andx slashed at a steel wall allowing the firefighters acess to the dark corridor. "Go! Go! Go!" They shouted as they and Andx moved in. Dust filled the air but they arrived at their destination. The elevator shaft had crashed and there were people trapped inside. Andx admired these individuals. They faced this hell with no special powers or enchanted armor. With no immortality or even super strength. They were the bravest ones here. They charged in with neither fear nor armor simply knowing that there are others in this darkness awaiting a savior.


Black stood alone atop a nearby building as the planes impacted. He turned his face away. "I...am evil incarnate...i cannot FEEL this." He said with his fist trembling. "Why...why does this happen?" He asks himself. "I've killed thousands without a thought and i've seen the goriest of murderers do their work...so WHY?!? The Holocaust...was the only other time this happend...The death of innocents...so many lives destroyed." He said looking down on the carnage. "I've often contemplated...what drives men to do the evil things that they do. I am evil incarnate...Slaughter is my business....but this...there are no words for this." He said taking off his hat and bowing solemnly


We are united in this. That the sum of our loss is greater than the transgressions that we may have comitted. Holy warriors of every stripe saying that we SOMEHOW had this coming to us. We are one in our stand against them as well. "It is God's will that America should fall...through their inequity and their sin." The voices of those who would wish this upon us a thousand fold. We reject them and stand. As we always have, now we are one in our resolve, one in our mourning, one as we rebuild. They knocked down two towers. Etch their memory into you. Let your fortification be the new towers so that when they look into your eyes they see that no bomb blast or body count will ever stir your resolve. Let the tower of your resolve stand tall.


Stand Tall




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Moar Dark Solemn Fanficshun

[spoiler=R.P.820. Moment Of Slilence]


Tempest rushed through the streets, he had been awoken from his sleep by the sound of a massive explosion and screaming. As he reached the site his eyes widened in horror. Proto and Shadow Zero were already on the scene clearing debris and getting people out of there. A woman rushed out of the area screaming at Tempest "YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE HEROES!!! HOW COULD YOU LET THIS HAPPEN?!?!?" She cried out at him. Unfortunatley he had no answer. With all of his powers he could not stop the planes. The most he could do now was help. And rushing into the wreckage that was exactly what he planned to do.


Jake dashed through the debris. The sound of screaming peirced his lungs as he found his target. Moving away a massive boulder he found the child the pleading mother had told him of. "Are you David Markson?" He asked over the screaming. "Uh-huh.." The child said trembling in fear. Jake picked up the child and began to run out of the collapsing wreck. With his power he easily reached the sunlight. But the boy's mother was nowhere to be seen. "Where is Mrs. Markson?" He asked a nearby aid worker. "She ran back in to get her son..." Jake turned around to see the wreckage collapse completley. Jake's eyes widened and tears filled the young boys eyes and another scream of agony filled the air "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!"


Andx slashed at a steel wall allowing the firefighters acess to the dark corridor. "Go! Go! Go!" They shouted as they and Andx moved in. Dust filled the air but they arrived at their destination. The elevator shaft had crashed and there were people trapped inside. Andx admired these individuals. They faced this hell with no special powers or enchanted armor. With no immortality or even super strength. They were the bravest ones here. They charged in with neither fear nor armor simply knowing that there are others in this darkness awaiting a savior.


Black stood alone atop a nearby building as the planes impacted. He turned his face away. "I...am evil incarnate...i cannot FEEL this." He said with his fist trembling. "Why...why does this happen?" He asks himself. "I've killed thousands without a thought and i've seen the goriest of murderers do their work...so WHY?!? The Holocaust...was the only other time this happend...The death of innocents...so many lives destroyed." He said looking down on the carnage. "I've often contemplated...what drives men to do the evil things that they do. I am evil incarnate...Slaughter is my business....but this...there are no words for this." He said taking off his hat and bowing solemnly


We are united in this. That the sum of our loss is greater than the transgressions that we may have comitted. Holy warriors of every stripe saying that we SOMEHOW had this coming to us. We are one in our stand against them as well. "It is God's will that America should fall...through their inequity and their sin." The voices of those who would wish this upon us a thousand fold. We reject them and stand. As we always have, now we are one in our resolve, one in our mourning, one as we rebuild. They knocked down two towers. Etch their memory into you. Let your fortification be the new towers so that when they look into your eyes they see that no bomb blast or body count will ever stir your resolve. Let the tower of your resolve stand tall.


Stand Tall





I've read some of your other ones, and I can see why they annoyed some of the other members, but I liked this one. Don't know why, but I did.

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Thanks...i'll see if i can't center more around this type of thing.


I wanted to give Tempest a bigger role since he actually LIVES in New York (to my understanding) and therefore would have been more impacted.


But then i thought more along the lines of including just those 4 equally.


And ill be damned if i didnt want to go more in depth with Black's history as the spirit of evil but i would've been giving too much space to one character...i'll have to do one on that later.

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Moar Dark Solemn Fanficshun

[spoiler=R.P.820. Moment Of Slilence]


Tempest rushed through the streets, he had been awoken from his sleep by the sound of a massive explosion and screaming. As he reached the site his eyes widened in horror. Proto and Shadow Zero were already on the scene clearing debris and getting people out of there. A woman rushed out of the area screaming at Tempest "YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE HEROES!!! HOW COULD YOU LET THIS HAPPEN?!?!?" She cried out at him. Unfortunatley he had no answer. With all of his powers he could not stop the planes. The most he could do now was help. And rushing into the wreckage that was exactly what he planned to do.


Jake dashed through the debris. The sound of screaming peirced his lungs as he found his target. Moving away a massive boulder he found the child the pleading mother had told him of. "Are you David Markson?" He asked over the screaming. "Uh-huh.." The child said trembling in fear. Jake picked up the child and began to run out of the collapsing wreck. With his power he easily reached the sunlight. But the boy's mother was nowhere to be seen. "Where is Mrs. Markson?" He asked a nearby aid worker. "She ran back in to get her son..." Jake turned around to see the wreckage collapse completley. Jake's eyes widened and tears filled the young boys eyes and another scream of agony filled the air "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!"


Andx slashed at a steel wall allowing the firefighters acess to the dark corridor. "Go! Go! Go!" They shouted as they and Andx moved in. Dust filled the air but they arrived at their destination. The elevator shaft had crashed and there were people trapped inside. Andx admired these individuals. They faced this hell with no special powers or enchanted armor. With no immortality or even super strength. They were the bravest ones here. They charged in with neither fear nor armor simply knowing that there are others in this darkness awaiting a savior.


Black stood alone atop a nearby building as the planes impacted. He turned his face away. "I...am evil incarnate...i cannot FEEL this." He said with his fist trembling. "Why...why does this happen?" He asks himself. "I've killed thousands without a thought and i've seen the goriest of murderers do their work...so WHY?!? The Holocaust...was the only other time this happend...The death of innocents...so many lives destroyed." He said looking down on the carnage. "I've often contemplated...what drives men to do the evil things that they do. I am evil incarnate...Slaughter is my business....but this...there are no words for this." He said taking off his hat and bowing solemnly


We are united in this. That the sum of our loss is greater than the transgressions that we may have comitted. Holy warriors of every stripe saying that we SOMEHOW had this coming to us. We are one in our stand against them as well. "It is God's will that America should fall...through their inequity and their sin." The voices of those who would wish this upon us a thousand fold. We reject them and stand. As we always have, now we are one in our resolve, one in our mourning, one as we rebuild. They knocked down two towers. Etch their memory into you. Let your fortification be the new towers so that when they look into your eyes they see that no bomb blast or body count will ever stir your resolve. Let the tower of your resolve stand tall.


Stand Tall





I'm repping this, it just deserves that.

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That's the unanimous opinion >_> DL-chan is awesome, but DL is lowest.


Agreed...I think.


DL....who? He sounds deserving of fanficshun.




@Creator and Proto

Thanks :3



It was good, dood.


Although I still need one.



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Although I still need one.

Unless he's being serious like this most recent one you probably don't want one written about you.


Wow, you're all complimenting this newest fanfic by Raiden. I may have to go back on my tl;dr moment and actually read it, lol.

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Unless he's being serious like this most recent one you probably don't want one written about you.


Wow, you're all complimenting this newest fanfic by Raiden. I may have to go back on my tl;dr moment and actually read it, lol.


I don't mind. It'll give me a reason to go crazy if it's bad.

You should, it's alright.

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DL....who? He sounds deserving of fanficshun.




@Creator and Proto

Thanks :3




correction. SHE sounds deserving of fanficshun...SRS BUSINESS FANFICSHUN

Well there are two DLs.


Dark Lightning (who is female)


And Dark Link (who is male)

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