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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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Edit: Loooocyyy! You haz esplaining to do!

You haz esplaining to do, Aniki.

Darn, they caught that on video?

*adjusts glasses*

Time to call a few hits in. And then Nebraska will be mine.... stop listening to my plans.

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Ah, I get it now. They were planning on returning back to MyBB like they had originally. But once they A) saw the cost, B) realized the massive move it would require or C) knew that many people would still complain they just ended up keeping it here on good old new forum.


Which is probably for the best. Because if they moved it back to old forum . . . well . . . the New YCMaker War RPG's plot wouldn't make much sense now would it XD

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