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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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Moar Fanficshun


[spoiler=The Story Of Monica Black]

"DADDYYYYYY I'm gonna be late for my first day of training!!" The black haired girl cried out as she finished putting on her school uniform and tapped her feet on the floor to test how her new shoes felt. Monica Black was 13 years old and about to start her first day in training to join RP820 one day. Her father walked over and took his hat from the rack and put it on. "Alright...let's get going Monica." He said as his car pulled up in front of his house automatically. "I am so glad i gave Proto the ability to transform." He said as he and Monica got into the car. Monica bounced on the seat and looked directly at the car radio. "Hey Protoking...long time no see!" She said with enthusiasm in her tone. "Heh...good to see you too Monica...Hey Marsuvees dontcha think 13 is a little YOUNG to be joining up with the heavy hitters of RPing?" Proto asked with concern. Monica pouted and Marsuvees chuckled to himself. "I'm sure my little girl can hold her own against the big bad RPers...can't you Monica?" Marsuvees asked his daughter rhetorically. "You betcha i can daddy!" She said pumping her little fist in the air.


It came time to drop off Monica and she walked bravely into the training hall. It was a disaster. The Training hall was full of Noobs who wanted in on RP820 so naturally when they saw a little girl trying to join RP820 they started giving her crap about it. And little Monica not used to getting flamed at all started to cry. Which of course gave the noobs more fire to burn her with. But of course a member of the Black family will only take so much. She stood up and shouted "ENOUGH!!" Which caused people to start laughing again at her tough girl act. That was until a point of Black energy appeared at her fingertip. "Cero...Oscuras..." she said the two words with a sweet smile on her face as she blew away every single living noob in that entire area. With a finnesse that her father would be proud of. Noob blood on the walls ceiling and viscera EVERYWHERE She was, like her father an ARTIST in the area of destruction.


Marsuvees looked upon the horrible carnage his daugher had wrought upon the area and the insane amount of life lost. In the face of the screams of agony and burning debris he looked at his daugher and smiled. "THAT'S daddy's little girl!" He said as his voice choked with pride.




idk WHAT inspired this one

BESIDES astronomical levels of crack

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We have decided.


And trust me.


There is no way in hell you will find out the secret to beating the final boss.



Maybe BH would but that's an exception.



...*goes to GameFAQs*


Moar Fanficshun


[spoiler=The Story Of Monica Black]

"DADDYYYYYY I'm gonna be late for my first day of training!!" The black haired girl cried out as she finished putting on her school uniform and tapped her feet on the floor to test how her new shoes felt. Monica Black was 13 years old and about to start her first day in training to join RP820 one day. Her father walked over and took his hat from the rack and put it on. "Alright...let's get going Monica." He said as his car pulled up in front of his house automatically. "I am so glad i gave Proto the ability to transform." He said as he and Monica got into the car. Monica bounced on the seat and looked directly at the car radio. "Hey Protoking...long time no see!" She said with enthusiasm in her tone. "Heh...good to see you too Monica...Hey Marsuvees dontcha think 13 is a little YOUNG to be joining up with the heavy hitters of RPing?" Proto asked with concern. Monica pouted and Marsuvees chuckled to himself. "I'm sure my little girl can hold her own against the big bad RPers...can't you Monica?" Marsuvees asked his daughter rhetorically. "You betcha i can daddy!" She said pumping her little fist in the air.


It came time to drop off Monica and she walked bravely into the training hall. It was a disaster. The Training hall was full of Noobs who wanted in on RP820 so naturally when they saw a little girl trying to join RP820 they started giving her crap about it. And little Monica not used to getting flamed at all started to cry. Which of course gave the noobs more fire to burn her with. But of course a member of the Black family will only take so much. She stood up and shouted "ENOUGH!!" Which caused people to start laughing again at her tough girl act. That was until a point of Black energy appeared at her fingertip. "Cero...Oscuras..." she said the two words with a sweet smile on her face as she blew away every single living noob in that entire area. With a finnesse that her father would be proud of. Noob blood on the walls ceiling and viscera EVERYWHERE She was, like her father an ARTIST in the area of destruction.


Marsuvees looked upon the horrible carnage his daugher had wrought upon the area and the insane amount of life lost. In the face of the screams of agony and burning debris he looked at his daugher and smiled. "THAT'S daddy's little girl!" He said as his voice choked with pride.




idk WHAT inspired this one

BESIDES astronomical levels of crack





What are you on and where can I get it.



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Moar Fanficshun


[spoiler=The Story Of Monica Black]

"DADDYYYYYY I'm gonna be late for my first day of training!!" The black haired girl cried out as she finished putting on her school uniform and tapped her feet on the floor to test how her new shoes felt. Monica Black was 13 years old and about to start her first day in training to join RP820 one day. Her father walked over and took his hat from the rack and put it on. "Alright...let's get going Monica." He said as his car pulled up in front of his house automatically. "I am so glad i gave Proto the ability to transform." He said as he and Monica got into the car. Monica bounced on the seat and looked directly at the car radio. "Hey Protoking...long time no see!" She said with enthusiasm in her tone. "Heh...good to see you too Monica...Hey Marsuvees dontcha think 13 is a little YOUNG to be joining up with the heavy hitters of RPing?" Proto asked with concern. Monica pouted and Marsuvees chuckled to himself. "I'm sure my little girl can hold her own against the big bad RPers...can't you Monica?" Marsuvees asked his daughter rhetorically. "You betcha i can daddy!" She said pumping her little fist in the air.


It came time to drop off Monica and she walked bravely into the training hall. It was a disaster. The Training hall was full of Noobs who wanted in on RP820 so naturally when they saw a little girl trying to join RP820 they started giving her crap about it. And little Monica not used to getting flamed at all started to cry. Which of course gave the noobs more fire to burn her with. But of course a member of the Black family will only take so much. She stood up and shouted "ENOUGH!!" Which caused people to start laughing again at her tough girl act. That was until a point of Black energy appeared at her fingertip. "Cero...Oscuras..." she said the two words with a sweet smile on her face as she blew away every single living noob in that entire area. With a finnesse that her father would be proud of. Noob blood on the walls ceiling and viscera EVERYWHERE She was, like her father an ARTIST in the area of destruction.


Marsuvees looked upon the horrible carnage his daugher had wrought upon the area and the insane amount of life lost. In the face of the screams of agony and burning debris he looked at his daugher and smiled. "THAT'S daddy's little girl!" He said as his voice choked with pride.




idk WHAT inspired this one

BESIDES astronomical levels of crack


What the devil -,- I hate the name Monica.


Oh, Ice, he does this... a lot.

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Oh, Ice, he does this... a lot.



I'll be scared...a lot.



If he makes one about me it better involve:






Because, you know, no story is complete without orphans getting burnt to death as I ride away with my glorious Peacocks.



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