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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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J-Max... you have a chance.


@Jake and Nexev

Two things:


2. Either of you think it is odd that buttercup likes a MUCH older guy. Not to mention they are all elementary school kids (Falling in LOVE? wut?)


1. He lives and survives and has a slightly stressful relationship with Blossom (stressful as he still feels guilty over DeeDee's death. Mandark could have gotten away but gives up hope and everything and is killed with the explosion, or so it is assumed, all that is left is his broken glasses. However Grim was seen before the explosion, tsking at Mandark so it is assumed that Mandark is gone for good.


It was actually quite sad.


2. Not really, teacher crushes are extremly common, they are just short flings though.



Oh and Dane I voted for you.


And I'm up against Zexaeon.


This will be painful.



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Well sorta. I imagine more like it's them trying to learn the secrets of IT, while avoiding IT and IT's various illusions, forms, and Henchmen.


And what's wrong with an RP where you're NOT a total butt-kickin awesome guy? Average joes can be interesting to play as well.

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Well sorta. I imagine more like it's them trying to learn the secrets of IT, while avoiding IT and IT's various illusions, forms, and Henchmen.


And what's wrong with an RP where you're NOT a total butt-kickin awesome guy? Average joes can be interesting to play as well.


Trust me, I'm all for new things.


But it's a fact that everyone likes power.


Godmodding exists when the obsession gets carried away.


Mr Wham makes characters who are like gods for example and nobody usually likes having something bad happen to them.


At all.


It could be a fanfic but you'll have allot of trouble getting people to join who won't put something that ruins the point like having the "shining" which may be clever the first time since King DOES cross reference his material allot.


But when it's a group of super magical people against It the point of the story is nulled.


However I would have loved to see you try to be It.


So if you make it, you'd atleast have ONE guy. But not many else probbaly.

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I actuaallly disagree with that statement.



Rps are meant for you to use your imagination to tell stories, simply saying something "wasn't meant for an rp" means onl certain things are allowed to be rps.


Therefore the factory line of same rps that came out.


Chess you'd say was impossible, so was Candyland, Broken made them work.




Nothing "isn't meant to be an rp" I am certain that if he wasn't convinced he wouldn't be able to pull it off he wouldn't have suggested it.



But no one would join unfortunatly, and only a few with as good a reason as Ice, others would just not like the apps of normal people.

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1. He lives and survives and has a slightly stressful relationship with Blossom (stressful as he still feels guilty over DeeDee's death. Mandark could have gotten away but gives up hope and everything and is killed with the explosion, or so it is assumed, all that is left is his broken glasses. However Grim was seen before the explosion, tsking at Mandark so it is assumed that Mandark is gone for good.


It was actually quite sad.


2. Not really, teacher crushes are extremly common, they are just short flings though.



Oh and Dane I voted for you.


And I'm up against Zexaeon.


This will be painful.




I got to Ch. 7 last night. lolscienceandcooking.

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So what happened? Apparently she did something bad that everyone knows about?


.....I feel like a newb again.




Nothing bad. He abused his power to deny somebody in a club but then Nexev and Ammy went super awesome and won a huge ass argument with them, thus making them leave.


Zex left but Larxene came back like 2 weeks later.

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Well I think it is because he rage quit the fourm or something like that.


But while he was there, I got killed, mutilated, and I think even sexual tortured at one point...

Oh please I get that every day at Powerforce.


...Except for the sexually tortured part.


So he was just a bad admin at Orgy and he rage quitted.


...That's not so bad.

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So he was just a bad admin at Orgy and he rage quitted.


...That's not so bad.

Not to mention that in every post he tends to confirm the fact that he's just about the most stuck up, rude, jerk on the entire forum. But yeah, that's all I'd know about Larxene as I only got into the Organization shortly before he left. Nex would probably be able to give the best idea on him but he's not on at the moment.

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Not to mention that in every post he tends to confirm the fact that he's just about the most stuck up, rude, jerk on the entire forum. But yeah, that's all I'd know about Larxene as I only got into the Organization shortly before he left. Nex would probably be able to give the best idea on him but he's not on at the moment.




If Larx likes you, he's alright. Kind of like me.


Besides, even he admitted it's some fake attitude.


But yeah, Nex would give off the best opinion.

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