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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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I should have none, he and Zex had a relationship.


Zex was gay.



It was funny cause in msn we where having a big convo and this happened.


Zex: Okay I want to make sure we got everything straight.


Nex: Aren't you gay?


Zex: >.>


@ICe: I still have some respect for him and Zex but I have proven I am better than Zex, and Lar cause I defeated him in the ring of honor with Amethyst.


Cause we are badass.


CN topic: Numbuh 2 most likely.


They really had a relationship?


You made Larx "leave forever".


Then 2 weeks passed.

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That's one of my friends excuse.


@ICE: it was usually a friendship true understanding one but they made sex jokes and stuff and I was like "Why would Zex have sex with Lar if she has such unfabulosly large breasts."


The he thing expained it.


I was like the few people who didn't know but was neither suprised nor cared.

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