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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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Yup Creator you heard me right ^^ Go check them out.


You wanna talk about Cartoon Network on overload? Look at the Powerpuff Girls Webcomic.


Wanna see all your favorite halloween themed cartoon characters fighting in the underworld? Grim Tales from Down Below will kick your expectations in the balls and laugh while you roll on the ground


Need an original idea with great characters and a plot that wants you begging for more? Sugar Bits is as original as it gets with characters and a concept you'd wish was an animated series



All in all Bleedman, the writter for all three of them, KICKS ASS!!!

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Dexter vs Mandark WAS great


But I honestly like seeing the plot bvehind it all.


Grim Tales in mho has better fights in it and what not.


As for Bleedman . . . it is a he . . . I have him as a friend on Deviantart as well as a few of the other web comics big wigs [all about who you know XD]


And thanks for the post (^^)b

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Quit making fun of Larxene!


I have a life. A fun one at that. YCM isn't everything to me.


Oh please we all know Lar would just thank me for the compliment and then proceed to make me feel x1000^5 smaller than her.




And it worked too...


Also then your just a b**** with a Life that no one cares about.

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Oh please we all know Lar would just thank me for the compliment and then proceed to make me feel x1000^5 smaller than her.




And it worked too...


Also then your just a b**** with a Life that no one cares about.


Larxene's a dude, dude.


Quite the opposite. People like me and I my b**** attitude.


And then there are the people I make fun of.


I'm bored though, and may get off soon. Wrong time to make a fake argument. =/

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