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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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You know I never really watched that show, without being forced to I mean, but back then Cartoon Network really did kick EVERYONE'S ass when it came to tv shows.


But now its like they6 aren't even trying. Adventure Time . . . The Marvelious Misadventures of Flapjack . . . pass the sh*t their smoking because it HAS too be some high grade junk

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Once they removed Toonami completely from their Saturday night time line the network became dead to me. I mean Toonami was the BEST thing they could ever do.


But thankfully there were people on the net who cared enough to continue writing great pieces with characters from those tv shows. And I'd like to share it with everyone *coughthisisnotadvertismentIjustwanttosharereallydocough*




Read the rest of the comics at Snafu-Comics



Read the rest of the comics at Snafu-Comics



Read the rest of the comics at Snafu-Comics


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