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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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Well, there seems to be a fitting occurrence with this, at any rate. It seems as though the very one who ichi-ownd Black-sans favorite character is now giving him reason to feel joyful. I wonder if there is some sort of strange truth to this occurrence?

Only that you'll overlook a character killing one of your favorites momentarily if they start killing one you really despise.

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Well yes, i suppose that that is true. But then, wouldn't that spark an extremely controversial love/hate relationship where Ichigo is concerned?

I'm pretty sure that's Black's feelings on Ichigo. If Ichigo is killing Ulquiorra, he hates him, anyone else he's okay with him. Or if it's Aizen apparently he loves him. Most animes/mangas have a character like that for a lot of people. Meaning a person they like conditionally.

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I'm pretty sure that's Black's feelings on Ichigo. If Ichigo is killing Ulquiorra, he hates him, anyone else he's okay with him. Or if it's Aizen apparently he loves him. Most animes/mangas have a character like that for a lot of people. Meaning a person they like conditionally.


No, I hate Ichigo.... but as long as Aizen will die by it, I can stomach him. I hate him in general.


This suspected "Rape" is a figure of speech, correct?


Of course.



A. Two arcs are left, potentially both Gaiden.

B. I could care less, as long as Aizen dies.

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Guys, I am leaving YCM. Check my profile status (ironically, the only one I've made) to see the other forum I'll be on. Hopefully, I'll see you guys there. I've been forgetting about this place... If it weren't for the change, I might have been more active, funnily. I just can't keep going to different places to find all my threads because they're not all in my content... Sorry, Jake, about Tamers...

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I checked the wiki to see if there was an explanation to why he doesn't have a Bankai.


It says "not revealed", so I'll take that has he HAS to have a Bankai it just wasn't shown yet. Therefore, using logic, he probably doesn't die or he gets close to dieing and beats the crap out of Ichigo with his "New Weapon"/Bankai.


Guys, I am leaving YCM. Check my profile status (ironically, the only one I've made) to see the other forum I'll be on. Hopefully, I'll see you guys there. I've been forgetting about this place... If it weren't for the change, I might have been more active, funnily. I just can't keep going to different places to find all my threads because they're not all in my content... Sorry, Jake, about Tamers...


You better have finished Trials and Tribulations.



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Guys, I am leaving YCM. Check my profile status (ironically, the only one I've made) to see the other forum I'll be on. Hopefully, I'll see you guys there. I've been forgetting about this place... If it weren't for the change, I might have been more active, funnily. I just can't keep going to different places to find all my threads because they're not all in my content... Sorry, Jake, about Tamers...


Oh it's alright . . . no hard feelings thonion_36.gif

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I'll be checking back once in a while, like now. But Ice, I beat that ages ago. I'm almost done with AAI. I might just buy AJ though. I have to find a way to a game store, because there are none locally (not within walking distance, anyway.)


Last case was shocking, right?


AAI's final culprit is annoying as hell, and takes about an hour to arrest.

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