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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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I started the Split Personality thing. I'm kind of the reason Black and Proto have their splits, and if anybody here copied them, then I'm the indirect reason to why they have splits.


It's only fair if I get to have my own section.


Besides, everybody has the same splits. A bullshit copy of me, a bullshit copy of Dahlia, a bullshit copy of Grei, a bullshit copy of Sapphire, a bu


They get it, moron.


At least I'm not a hooker.







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Umm... I had mine before I met you 0_0 Ulqui, Black, Kefka, etc....

Those are really only ever persona's you used to represent yourself aren't they? You've never talked with yourself using the personas.


And that was AFTER I made my Splits, which caused that whole gay chain reaction.

So you're the one who started this.......

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I started the Split Personality thing. I'm kind of the reason Black and Proto have their splits, and if anybody here copied them, then I'm the indirect reason to why they have splits.


It's only fair if I get to have my own section.


Besides, everybody has the same splits. A bullshit copy of me, a bullshit copy of Dahlia, a bullshit copy of Grei, a bullshit copy of Sapphire, a bu


They get it, moron.


At least I'm not a hooker.






I'm copying Davok anyway. >.>


I didn't notice you had splits for awhile.

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It was last year. If I would have known this would've happened, I wouldn't have done it.

Hopefully it will be like other fads on this forum and die only to ever be occasionally referenced again when discussing old fads.

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Andx, I'm not giving up any of my Personas or Powers! *Hugs list like Jack Sparrow's Jar of Dirt*

I never said you had to give up your personas. You don't talk with yourself pretending to have split personalities by simply color coding various lines of text. That's what I'd like to see less of.

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I'm copying Davok anyway. >.>


I didn't notice you had splits for awhile.


But I like your splits, so I have nothing against them.



Hopefully it will be like other fads on this forum and die only to ever be occasionally referenced again when discussing old fads.


Splits are one of MY trademarks, so I'm not letting mine die.

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