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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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Well, since I'm the only real fighter on my side, and since your sides characters is about seven times as powerful as our whole army combined I guess my POS power source would have to have some sort of negative effect on transforming.


Only way I can actually fight you guys off since you have twice the amount of our guys and are about three times more powerful.

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Well, since I'm the only real fighter on my side, and since your sides characters is about seven times as powerful as our whole army combined I guess my POS power source would have to have some sort of negative effect on transforming.


Only way I can actually fight you guys off since you have twice the amount of our guys and are about three times more powerful.

You know that's not going to be true in the RP. As I said in the OOC thread, I believe the apps are making things very deceptive and really does make it seem that each character on Black's side is very powerful in comparison to anyone else. But I know, or at least hope, that we all know that won't be the case.

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PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE . . . PLEASE BLACK 0eeeff42.gif *Sign Saying "Perfect Application"*


And Nervert YOU wrote the YCM War opening? Yeah that'd be good enough (OoO)

Thank you.



Can we make multiple characters, I want to have a character on every side.


Thanks to my splits this is possible.


Insane, deluded, and a mess, but possible.




On topic if you see me you would never notice, I'm quite until I am talked to.


Then I can get talkative.


@Andx: Two words.





Now some more words.


We can't beat time control, hypnnosis, instant regeneration, and the fact that through a convinent loophole most of your transformations transform as well.


@Shadow: you aren't really disproving my point at all.

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Allow me.




Jake needs no explanation.


Black has Lanza, which could destroy our whole army in one shot mind you.


Ice has a unspecified amount of magical powers.


Andx has the same but listed them.




We are pretty much screwed because if one of you transforms we're done for.

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MY character cannot really manipulate time in a way that one would think. He can simply either A) move outside of the normal spacetime spectrum for a set amount of time, or B) freeze time in a limited area for a set amount of time. I don't expect to be using those two abilities all that much though.

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MY character cannot really manipulate time in a way that one would think. He can simply either A) move outside of the normal spacetime spectrum for a set amount of time, or B) freeze time in a limited area for a set amount of time. I don't expect to be using those two abilities all that much though.

Allow me to explain why this is still overpowered.


PROTO: *fires rocket at Shadow*


Shadow: ZA WARUDO! *freezes time around PROTO and dodges and/or moves outside spacetime spectrum to dodge rocket*


PROTO: *fires another rocket*


Shadow: *does same*


You pretty much get a insta dodge.

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@Andx: Two words.





Now some more words.


We can't beat time control, hypnnosis, instant regeneration, and the fact that through a convinent loophole most of your transformations transform as well.


I can't speak for any member of my side who isn't me. I know some of the powers seem incredibly overpowered and that's why you're trying to get some of them changed and I agree with that course of action. It's exactly what I would want to do.


Though notice most of things you listed as things you can't beat are from Jake, who has yet to be accepted, and Shadow, with a bit of Raiden thrown in for good measure. And they're all things that I'm sure if you bring up to Black, he will get on changing. Unless I haven't read through all the apps carefully enough, which I'm sure I haven't, I don't see anyone other than Raiden who'll be transforming after already having done so. I suppose you could count Black but he keeps that all in check and has a finite number set.


@Proto: Yes I listed what I could do and don't intend to do anything past what I said. You can take comfort in the fact that nothing will be coming that I didn't put down in my app and that most of what I put down doesn't seem impossibly overpowered. I've got a mage, a dog, and a swordsman none of whom are particularly super human and none of whom are harnessing incredibly overpowered abilities you have no hope of defeating. I can't excuse some of the others of course. Though I will defend Black that he really does a good job of toning Ulquiorra down.



In the end it seems the intentions of my app, as the app for Black's side is indeed my app, were never met. I intended for every power that was to be put into it to be described and listed so no one could pull anything unexpected. And yet it seems people are being very vague in their powers which is the exact opposite of what was intended and make their abilities seem way too powerful. I'll need to be getting Black to be a bit stricter on it.


EDIT: Darn response took too long to make. ...

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Actually, Chaos Control does not guarantee an insta-dodge. Also, I just finished saying that I wouldn't be using those powers all that much, although I will still use them at some point and time as needed. And since when would I be able to use both of those kinds of Chaos Control at the same time?



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Lucky for me you won't be using those powers at all.


Yay for rules that say I have all power.


And for arguements sake, yeah it totally does, you won't use it that much but only because you won't be in a spot that often your won't lose however because you have the power to stop time.

@Andx: I can sympathies.

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@Andx: I can sympathies.

Thank you Nevert.


It even happened in the RP I made it for. And while it hasn't been too much of a problem yet I have had to ask for some power clarifications. And while I don't mind doing it, I'd have preferred to never have to do it as that was what I had intended from the app. Though it's simpler in my RP where I'm not having people face anyone who isn't controlled by me. We tried that once and it didn't go over too well. <_<


Anyway I can see why it would be much more of a problem in this RP as facing other RPers is all that's going to be happening. Powers need to be clearly outlined or there will be vicious arguments over what can and can't be done during the course of a fight.

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Oh for craps sake, having that power is supposed to be the central part of my character, that's part of the reason why I don't want to remove it. It's a bloodline heritage thing.


Also, I think that we were having a bit of a misunderstanding in how the power was meant to be used Nevert. Care to take it over pm?

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Fine but it's more of the principle then the cause.


And even though Chaos control is the worst, there are allot of things wrong, sub-transformations, COMPLETE control over chaotic energy (what does that even mean), heal phazon, destructive phazon that kills everything, magic, it's a pretty big list.


But more important is that you would not negotiate with it.


Edit: Sorted out, shadow cannot use time stop on anybody's character and needs to use his magical gems to do the teleport and stuff.


But he can still leave the space time whatever.


Which does what?

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Basically, everything slows down to a crawl, according to my characters perception. Of course, it has a time limit placed on it, and can also be countered if someone is able to move fast enough, which would probably mean when facing someone two ranks higher then he is that they have a pretty good chance at countering it and fight at speed, which means that that being used in battle would mostly consist of battles with higher level characters.

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Oh don't worry, I have that covered. The only reason why my character isn't dead from Phazon radiation or having subdued to the Phazon madness is due to the fact that in making a contract with Primus, he was genetically restructured to be immune and invulnerable to all forms of Phazon, which is why he can make and use Phazon safely. My characters ancestor made the same contract long ago and the immunity and invulnerability to Phazon was supposed to have continued being carried on through his descendants, but it started degrading, so my character renewed the contract and stuff.

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Actually I would've expected Black, Andrew and myself to have that power ^^


But as I said I am only using characters that I've already personally created (O_o) So . . . you know . . . there is a limit- I ain't gonna cheat and suddenly make one up on the spot.


Hell I could even give you guys a LIST if it would make everyone happy; but that'd take some time . . . a LOT of time tbh

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