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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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I can understand it with Nexuis, I mean, it's the mods. They can do anything.


But a band of ruffians should not have my powers.


Oh and "Report" is actually solid Neg, forgot to mention that. That's why it's prescence is painful to look at. Other weapons and stuff will be added later since I had a bit of a block with powers.


Fortunatly only powers.

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RIGHT, because trying to bring back the devil is totally sane and not dramatic.


They are exiled, thus they shouldn't have access to my stuff.


It's just lazy.




If anything they should only have access to what they can scavenge which is like 75+ year old failed equipment.


EDIT: I see, fair enough, but we aren't limited to just what is in our app right?


Otherwise I better go add a lot more...

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OK guys . . . here is the opening for my RPG School


[spoiler=RPG School]

Welcome To School!


Lets face it, not everyone is a perfect writter. It is my hope, or dream, that everyone who wishes to come to this "school" will be able to come out with a better understanding of how to rpg better and add insane ammounts of detail into even a single sentance.


The "ciriculum" will include everything from writting a detailed post to creating your very own rpg that will, if we do our jobs right, become epic and continued until the end; and lets face it . . . not a lot of rpgs make it to their respective ends.


There is only a small "fee" of 200 points and a sample to see what you'll be taught. Once you have been enrolled you will be given a Teacher to work with. They will assign/help you along with your "school work" and grade your work. At any moment the teacher or student may request a transfer to another teacher/student; which only I will have say if the transfer is allowed.


As "Dean" of the school I will be the one to say if you have met the requerments to "graduate"








Jake the Sage




To become a Teacher I need to see a Written Sample of your work.




What do you guys think?

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Actually were sortof ambiguos.


Were pretty much bringing back satan as we think the conflict was necessary as it brought people together and let them learn how to adapt. Nexev also can use Glitch to make great progress with Neg and make technology stronger.


Nexev also belives that Glitch isn't pure evil, it's just all it knows.


So it depends on your viewpoint, we are very Lelouch that way.


@Taint: then what are you? Your certainly not evil.

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I liked it... Until I saw the cost.


I could go find someone to help me for free, and I thought that was what this was about, helping people get better, not getting 200 points.




At the least RP820 members should get in free...


Yeah I added that in just to see the reaction. I figured I'd end up removing it. So without it . . . what Creator?

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@Nex: But if I was on your side, I wouldn't be able to be Axel in the first place.


So bringing back the ultimate Evil is good now?


Obviously I missed something in the past 5 minutes.



So being a smartass makes you super cool now?


Obviously I misread something in the past 5 minutes.


Once I stop being lazy and start playing it, I'll be the judge of that.


Sure you will.




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Actually were sortof ambiguos.Were pretty much bringing back satan as we think the conflict was necessary as it brought people together and let them learn how to adapt. Nexev also can use Glitch to make great progress with Neg and make technology stronger.Nexev also belives that Glitch isn't pure evil, it's just all it knows.So it depends on your viewpoint, we are very Lelouch that way.@Taint: then what are you? Your certainly not evil.


Group of Lelouch-like people.


Well There goes the rest of the world order.


Yeah I added that in just to see the reaction. I figured I'd end up removing it. So without it . . . what Creator?


Without the cost I'd say it sounds like a great idea and to sign me up.


So being a smartass makes you super cool now?Obviously I misread something in the past 5 minutes.


being a smartass is part of my nature.


You of all people should have realized that.

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