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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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Think about who I am...


Now think about your statement...


Do they match?



Well knowing everything you mean in fun is all rather cleverly disguised to be serious but is really a joke and you can tell if you look for it, yes I can see this being a possibility.


And what's this about a character not established in the RP?

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Well you see I cannot make Tropes because that would require that i have wit...and i (as you all know) have no talent i am not funny and overall i have no creative skill whatsoever...I also have a small *****.


But should i make a Trope on the forum as a whole i would describe it as 65% of the whinyest screamiest ragiest n00bs on the face of the internet, 20% the most unforgiving, merciless, no sense of humor, Robotic pr*cks on the internet...and 15% actually pretty cool guys to hang out with. The forum is roughly only 55% dedicated to Yu Gi Oh and the rest of it is focused on other anime/manga/music/video games/celebrities/MMO's/random bullsh*t and OF COURSE RPing.


And the majority of the forum cannot take a joke


Not to mention the CRUSHING amount of trolls here


....well that's all i've got on this forum for now...oh yeah...and R.P.820...which can be only described as "A Collection of badasses united under a common hobby that is MADE badass by their existance"...RPing did not become awesome until WE showed up

D&D was badass since it's inception, way before us, it picked up when you could do things like stop the awakening of a godkiller, the demon that spawned the ability to make athiest clerics, and hell jesus if you wanted to.


Do not f*** with a game that lets you replace your arm with that of a dragon, or give you a clock made of ectoplasm.

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D&D was badass since it's inception, way before us, it picked up when you could do things like stop the awakening of a godkiller, the demon that spawned the ability to make athiest clerics, and hell jesus if you wanted to.


Do not f*** with a game that lets you replace your arm with that of a dragon, or give you a clock made of ectoplasm.

Umm.... Nexev somebody gave me a gender and someone forced me to bear GLaDy's child.


You aren't mad about this are you?

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Tokio kumay! *throws daggers at Raiden* Sosteto kewa no kidask.


Female anime characters portraying males = no. I honestly don't get why there are some people (~cherry~ {formerly Zeonark}) who shamelessly portray avis that are female and half dressed. <_<


@Proto reprogramming: That, would be me. >=D



Are you making fun of Mr 2?


Cause then I will kill you.




With this.




@Creator: yeah, it's weird, I've seen many people who rp and still make fun of it.


It's a big contradiction, and if you read the books, one thing Wizards can do is think of stuff.


I read a book about religon, not in the god way, but in the structure way, I learned about how some churches run, special alternates to feats, and some groups that are like churches but a bit different, and magic altars.


It was actually a good read.



Edit: Actually I did make a file that lets robots pool AI and make there own robot spawn, I got the idea from Disgea. It's useful as it lets you grow and expand if you program well.


It's like birth but different.


I didn't now it could work.

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Yeah, anyway proto, I think that was me.


I made a pit of a program that could, never got around to installing it though, it lets you pretty much customize the spawn so you can fit them for any solution.


Like mobile factories.


Isn't that great?

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Well the situation is funny, I'm serious. I don't make upgrades like that... ever.


Also that person has been [spoiler=For Andx's eyes only]Like I would really give away the secret here?

for some time now.

Heh, clever. Though I didn't expect you to explain this mysterious person here. That would ruin the mystery. Now of course PM is another matter.

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Brain Cell degeneration, if you know how it works you can reverse it.


Or build a laser, I can try that too.


Cold fusion is useless to me, none of my stuff uses energy, it's mind vs matter, I make things with such complicated apparatus that even physics gives up and just goes with it, not noticing that it has no way to work, just a bunch of fancy loops and buttons.

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Well I finished the first Trope (Or at least the Draft). Now I want your opinions.


All words that are in "" means that they will eventually become Tropes.


Trope #1


Striker Factor


This commonly refers to someone with a major inferiority complex or a rampant Godmodder for you RPers out there. Victims of this Trope will also behave arrogantly and will proclaim attempts to take over an Internet meeting ground. While some are lucky enough to see the error of their ways sadly most will not and will continue to annoy those of us who care about the Internet since we obviously have no lives.


Victims of this increasingly common Trope usually sport a rude attitude, and an inherent ability to “Aizen-Mod x10”. When encountered they should be blasted with a fully powered “IGNORE Cannon”.


This Trope, while related to, should not be confused with the “Trololololol” or “crank the nubishness to eleven” Tropes as this Trope applies to a limited number of advanced cases. The Counter-Trope for this Trope would be “Exceeding Maximum Awesomeness Ratios”.



[spoiler=Members]Obviously the member Striker falls here.


It should be noted that at one point Shadow Zero fell under this Trope but has since recovered thanks to a “Super-Special-Awesome Group”.



[spoiler=Anime/Manga]Zakuro from Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn! Appears for the first time combining this Trope with “Super Stalker 9000”.


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