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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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Look, the trope is for peoples who mere presence can cause harm apperantly, with pressure and stuff.The only person who's mere existence does that is Striker, for a entirely different reason.






@NexevStriker... is a walking undocumented Trope.




Oh come on, it's TV Tropes. There has to be something to describe Striker. And if there isn't we'll get a new trope named after him.


I'll start looking right now.

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I think there are some, KArma hooudini, Scrappy, Wesly, there are a bunch, but like a bad fruitcake he is a sinister combanation of all of them which has mutated into something more powerfully putrid than we possibly can imagine.

In other words...a rancid sh*tstain on the epic sized diaper of the internet

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Wesly trope:


There are certain characters who receive a lot of hatred from the majority of the fanbase for one reason or another. Most often, when their creators pick up on the hate, it's either ignored or, sometimes, played into (as eventually happened to Scrappy-Doo in the first Scooby Doo movie).

There are times, however, when it becomes obvious that at least one writer has become attached to a hated character, writing them into more and more scenes, giving them more — and more important — things to do, having the other characters rave about how awesome they are and sometimes even making them the proxy voice of the author, all while blissfully ignoring the fact that the fans absolutely goddamned hate this character.

That's The Wesley in a nutshell (a.k.a. the Creator's Pet or "author's darling").

The main characteristic of The Wesley is that the writers' focus on them is detrimental to the show, not so much that the parts featuring this character necessarily suck more than the rest, but that so much effort is being directed to them that it detracts from the quality of the series as a whole. It's as if the writers think that there's nothing more important than browbeating the viewers into falling in love with this one character. And it never works.

The trope is named after Wesley Crusher of Star Trek: The Next Generation, probably the most (in)famous example of this syndrome. Star Trek fans have a really hard time understanding why the snot-nosed kid is the one saving the Enterprise every other episode, so the writers explain it by... revealing that he is actually a super-special genius destined to Ascend To A Higher Plane Of Existence. Then, they wonder where things like the Usenet group "alt.wesley.die.die.die" came from.

The Trek franchise is strong enough to overcome the original, but other shows haven't been as lucky. When a character starts developing into The Wesley, it's often a code-red Jump The Shark sighting. Like Wesley's puppy-powered cousin, he can still be Rescued From The Scrappy Heap, but that's rare and takes considerable writing talent. The only certain way to dodge this particular bullet is to either put him on a bus or outright kill him off.

Keep in mind that this isn't "The Scrappy with a big role", nor is it the Mary Sue, although there's a lot of overlap in both cases. The Wesley is a combination of being hated by fans (The Scrappy), loved by the writers (Creators Pet) and butting into big scenes for no reason (Character Focus). If it doesn't meet those three criteria then it doesn't fit.

Compare Spotlight Stealing Squad, which happens when Character Focus pushes a lot of the other characters out of the limelight for an extended period of time, and The Barney, when this kind of character is the main one from the beginning. Also compare the GMPC, which is often this in a Role Playing Game. Contrast The Artifact, as a fair solution to a character who is only a Wesley because of overuse: the writers no longer find them interesting, but can't write them out of the series without royally screwing things up. Also contrast The Poochie, whom the creators get rid of as quickly as possible.

No connection to Mr. Butlertron. And try not to confuse him with The Weasley. (especially not that one)

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So, just what is a trope dood?

No, if it nullified oxygen it's not nullification, oxygen's a atom, what your suggestions is actually a annihalation field.


But yeah I actually was wandering about why you weren't nullified but if you could simply flick it on and off like I was worried you could it would have been dangerous.


How about instead of nullify you can use Stop, which makes things decalarated to zero, it doesn't last long as it takes up allot of juice to sustain.


IT works with vector as it lets you make sharp turns.


Take a pebble, by using vector to fling it and stop to make it hover for a split so you can vector it back you can make it essintailly be a bullet that hits multiple times, and you can do the end enegy blasts as if you stop the energy it is gone.


Or you can vecotr it and disperse the energy into pieces


It was used by Shanatto in a fighting game so I now it is not that overpowerd. It after all deters only by a few seconds.

Nah, I think I'll stick with Nullification. It's simpler, and would still take up energy to use anyway, I'd just be able to use it for a little longer and be able to survive any and all energy attacks with absolutely zero negative effects to me. At least until my character would run out of energy.

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I'm just sayin with a Forum like YCM being home to Organization XIII, Club Pikachu, The Digimon Alliance and whenever you search Yu-Gi-Oh on google image we are 40% of what comes up...oh and not to mention R.P.MOTHERF*CKIN.820 this forum deserves a trope


*Is serisouly considering asking Black to add Motherf*cking to our name*

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I'm just sayin with a Forum like YCM being home to Organization XIII, Club Pikachu, The Digimon Alliance and whenever you search Yu-Gi-Oh on google image we are 40% of what comes up...oh and not to mention R.P.MOTHERF*CKIN.820 this forum deserves a trope


*Is serisouly considering asking Black to add Motherf*cking to our name*


That would make the club seem a little, crass.


And just what kind of tropes would you have for this site? I want to see brand new ones, not old ones reskinned. D:<

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Well This Club WOULDN'T be a Trope. Instead you would have the "Awesome Grouping" or something like that for a Trope.


Striker would be the "Striker Syndrome" obviously.


*Is seriously opening a Word Document to begin writing the first Trope but needs help with IDEAS*

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That would make the club seem a little, crass.


And just what kind of tropes would you have for this site? I want to see brand new ones, not old ones reskinned. D:<

Well you see I cannot make Tropes because that would require that i have wit...and i (as you all know) have no talent i am not funny and overall i have no creative skill whatsoever...I also have a small *****.


But should i make a Trope on the forum as a whole i would describe it as 65% of the whinyest screamiest ragiest n00bs on the face of the internet, 20% the most unforgiving, merciless, no sense of humor, Robotic pr*cks on the internet...and 15% actually pretty cool guys to hang out with. The forum is roughly only 55% dedicated to Yu Gi Oh and the rest of it is focused on other anime/manga/music/video games/celebrities/MMO's/random bullsh*t and OF COURSE RPing.


And the majority of the forum cannot take a joke


Not to mention the CRUSHING amount of trolls here


....well that's all i've got on this forum for now...oh yeah...and R.P.820...which can be only described as "A Collection of badasses united under a common hobby that is MADE badass by their existance"...RPing did not become awesome until WE showed up

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*Is seriously opening a Word Document to begin writing the first Trope but needs help with IDEAS*

Well you can mention how the masses swing back and forth with new fads/memes like the stupid fsjals avitar thing.


Something about General and how it often is the place to get banned in, or at least the forum you most often raeg quit.


Some trope about clubs that get made many times, like us having 6+ pokemon clubs at once at some point in the past.


You can talk about how polls have become nothing but "which character is better?" threads.


There also should be something about how awesome clubs always get a second (in some cases third) thread.


Just some ideas, feel free to use/reject/tweak any of them.

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Thanks, now it is time to get to naming and Writing...



You're welcome. Just try to take care of that procrastination. I just finally got my summer procrastination under control about half an hour ago and finished my summer homework, lol.


Oh, one other about how any sort of change to the forum results in flame wars, massive complaints, pointless threads being made again and again and that sort of thing.

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