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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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Oh... my God. Can you post anymore, Priscilla? Did ya just get on your PMS, or did you just feel like making madness grow?




Anyways, watching Scrubs has made me act like that XD

I like House...and The Office...and someone told me that i look like Syler from Heroes with my glasses off so i started watching that too

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I just chose a random girl's name when I typed this:


Oh... my God. Can you post anymore, Priscilla? Did ya just get on your PMS, or did you just feel like making madness grow?




Anyways, watching Scrubs has made me act like that XD

So, Priscilla it is.

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I insist upon joinage of the club! rolfcopter Also, did you just seroiusly reference fosters home for imaginary friends using a modified from of the cheesy mac&cheese reference on the episode where they introduced cheese?


That's a lot of cheese..........


This post made very little sense to me for some reason. I got the Foster's thing but I don't see where the came from. And nothing else makes sense. Care to rephrase it so I can understand Shadow?

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A beacon of light has decended down upon me... :D

Oh yeah, I saw some people joined your RP. Good for you. I should get on an app for that some time soon.


Aw come on, you know that I'm only joking Aniki. ^_^


You do know that, right? :unsure:

I know, that's why I said we'd be fine so long as you dropped the pretty.

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lol okay then, I won't do that again. :)


So, what to do now. I have to wait for Black-san to get back on and approve my applications final revisions, and also to answer the two questions that I asked him. *sighs*

If I had thought you weren't joking or if I wasn't in the mood I would have yelled at you. Anyway, just don't go calling me pretty and I shouldn't respond too angrily to your joking attempts to show affection due to my dog avitar (and sig now).


An App? You mean for the upcoming war?

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