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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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HOLD IT! Are you saying that the prelude to the war (filling out of apps) Has already begun?! Link please? Or at least a name so I can look it up?

No, we are sayin I already made the plot and you are not allowed to ever see it cause you are a douche.


Might as well follow Nexev, if I was to ever join.


Because obviously Nexev's side is more epic, and has the greater chance of winning.

The fold welcomes you.


Because Nex has a mascot. You do not.

GLaDoS For teh win?


I'm sure you can find some loyal people black.


But in my defense I knew Nexev before I knew you, so Right now Nexev>You in terms of loyalty.

And thus the Fake Kingdom paid off.


Well, This is going to be interesting. Hey Black, do you know of any loyalists outside of this here place that can be counted on?

Thanks for making this so easy.


You can fight for whatever you Britain loving oprresionist but I'm for AMERICA!







Oh I love how if you just asked me to join your side you'd still have most of your teammates.


But Shadow blew that for you.


As I am not going to go to a side where my people can not be accepted.



So my team is:






and that's about it right?


I have everybody I need plus room for 2 more.

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>.> I can fit into the machine category...


Black, I have utter respect for you and all things you do, but Nex has a mascot.


Mascot = Attraction of People = More Power = Rule the World


In short, Mascot = Rule the World. Maybe if you had a mascot I would reconsider...

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........Just what does the revolutionary war have to do with anything?

Do you not realize you started it by using the term "loyalist"? Nex just went with it.


@Black: So apparently you need a mascot in order to draw more people to you. Do you have any ideas? After all, it is your team.

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... Kefka? =D People love Kefka!



Something people will like. Not something people will love to hate. lol, it's really not necessary Black. The whole mascot thing I mean.


Though who else you could get on your team at this point does seem to be a concern.

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Senpai does not RP really TT-TT Not on much...


@Shadow Booting: We'd look like Douches =/ Besides, MArk, er, Dane will join us!

lol, it was just an idea. I didn't mean anything by it of course.


Anyway, if you still want a mascot here's another way to go about it. First off, work with the people you have and pick one of them. Now think of the three people you have on your team, yourself included, and the powers you know they're all likely to have. Do any of them seem mascot-worthy? If not, then we can just look for random mascots on google, because google is your friend.

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