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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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No, plot is done.


I would show it to you, but I'm the evil enemy aren't I?


Far be it from me to give tactically sensitive information to the good guys.



Your just going to have to wait like everyone else.



Creator is on my side AND made our apps so he can look at it.

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HOLD IT! Are you saying that the prelude to the war (filling out of apps) Has already begun?! Link please? Or at least a name so I can look it up?

The app is going to be an adaptation of the app I made for my RP on RPU. I'm not sure if Black has made the edits he's wanted to it yet but you can ask him.

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Because Nex has a mascot. You do not.


... REALLY. So you are gonna be a Scientist or Machine?


I'm sure you can find some loyal people black.


But in my defense I knew Nexev before I knew you, so Right now Nexev>You in terms of loyalty.


I knew you would go to him. I just expected others not to. *Glares at Cephus*

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