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He was if I recall religous, a conservative, and a math freak making a story for a little girl.




I'm not going to say it.

Because you know we're all thinking it. Because somehow I doubt you're worried about saying what you're implying. At least if what I believe you're implying is what you're actually implying.


Any suggestions to make that last sentence make even less sense?


@Black: At least you didn't ninja me this time. lol

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Nope, I read the cliffnotes.


The guy was named Charles Dodgson, and he wrote it since Alice Liddell asked him to.


The man was both a conservative and a Angilican Deacon.


While there is a easy joke here I am still not going to say it and just state that drugs were never mentioned anywhere besides the caterpillar.


No one can even think up children stories while on pot since you'd be too stoned to notice the question.

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*Points at Hooka-smoking, time-reverting catterpillar*


You think THAT could be made when SOBER?


*Points at Cheshire Cat, Jabberwocky (BTW, looks like Satan itself in Burton's movie, and it's said to be accurate to description), Tweedles, MArch Hair, Mad Hatter (This is something that REALLY happened. The hats were made with lead in them, and the hatter would LICK his hands as he worked to use saliva to style the hat... so, they went wonky), etc.*

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@Nex: Letting us all think about the joke to be made is more effective than just saying it anyway.


@Black: I think he'd have to be sober to write it. Though past experience with drugs might have given him experience in how to make the book seem like one bad trip.

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Your a fan of a book with evil kids altering history with books, summoning random eyeball loving demon guys named Marv and you think LCD has to be involved in making a silly kids story?

Oh, going after his favorite books huh? This should no doubt spark an interesting reaction on Black's part.


But to be even somewhat the current, and also random, topic: Alice in Wonderland is just the one thing people like to joke about was made with drugs involved. Not sure how that came about but that's what happened.

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I would live in Underland, honestly you guys are too uptight about reality. And it's mercury Black, not lead. The Mad Hatter was obviously derived from the phrase 'as mad as a hatter' because their hats way back way used to be conditioned with mercury, and the mercury fumes caused brain damage.

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Your a fan of a book with evil kids altering history with books, summoning random eyeball loving demon guys named Marv and you think LCD has to be involved in making a silly kids story?


Mine has a good ending =/ The kids aren't evil, they just fall into sin. Black is not a demon, at first, but a kid's Id given physical form. The Kids were writing a book, not realizing what they were doing, at first. They were shielded from sin for 13 years before this point. It does not require drugs, as the story is meant to be horror/Thriller.


I would live in Underland, honestly you guys are too uptight about reality. And it's mercury Black, not lead. The Mad Hatter was obviously derived from the phrase 'as mad as a hatter' because their hats way back way used to be conditioned with mercury, and the mercury fumes caused brain damage.


Not what my history teacher said <.>

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Mine has a good ending =/ The kids aren't evil, they just fall into sin. Black is not a demon, at first, but a kid's Id given physical form. The Kids were writing a book, not realizing what they were doing, at first. They were shielded from sin for 13 years before this point. It does not require drugs, as the story is meant to be horror/Thriller.




Not what my history teacher said <.<

And wonderland turns out all to be a dream, those are naturally random.


And no, just because you have a scary book doesn't give it a drug free pass.


IF anything it's even worse.


So there are some kids, who fall into sin for reading these magical reality altering books and then another guy has to fight one of the kids, who is actually not one of the kids but a kid's Id given flesh.


Then the kid's clone travels back in time and becomes the bad guy proving the kid was the kid.


Oh and somewhere if I recall the kids fuse to make a super evil guy.



And lest not forget the eyeball fetish.....



Face it, drugs.

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Children books have talking animals, ladybugs who say a whale is too small, magical sins that turn you into donkeys, puppets that come to life, woman cutting there feet to fit in glass slippers, ripping stomachs, poison....


lest I go on?


Oh and just cause it's a adult book doesn't make it less drug filled than a kids one.


Explain how target audience affects the author's drug dosage?

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