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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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Morals mean nothing in combat, only victory!


Brilliant vanguard of the heavens, cry havoc and with your wrath lead my enemies to their doom! Indignation!


*Casts Indignation*

Stealing from me now are we? Well at least get the right incantation for it. I mean, if you're going to steal you should do it properly. You have three choices as it's been translated multiple ways, even though it's always been the same in japanese.


Option 1: Heavens light shine! Gates of hell open your passage! Strike Lightning of the heavens! Indignation!

Option 2: From the land of the living I call upon thee in the land of the dead to unleash they fury of thunder! Indignation!

Option 3: I, who dwell in the full light of the heavens, command thee, who opens the gates of hell! Come forth divine lightning! Indignation!

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Actually I'm Miming another Tales Character, so that is correct. I even looked it up to make sure.

This is the indignation you mimed:

Not exactly the best choice if you meant to hurt someone.


@Black: Well I don't think Big Bad fits. From what I looked for there are two that might be a bit more accurate. Namley. The dragon, or the lancer.

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Mimics are never exact in their copies. There is always a slight deviation. In my case the attack would be more destructive.


Transforming will do you no good. Mimo di Transformato!


*Transforms into Ulquiorra*


Now will you fight me? Or shall I rip out what you call a heart?

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As true as that may be, showing them their paths is better then them never knowing!


You know, it's time to transform!


The one who lived for three endless days shall now come and show thou his might! TRANSFORM! YOUNG LINK!




Razor Sword, Mirror Shield, Bow, I have all the items.

Hey! Chibi form is my thing!


....Well technically its my old Apeture Science form...

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Mimics are never exact in their copies. There is always a slight deviation. In my case the attack would be more destructive.

I'm just saying, there are stronger ones to start with. Anyway, you have a fight to get to so carry on.

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*appears out of the ground*


Goooooooooooooo~d day!

Hello Jake. You must have really been tired to sleep through all that. Or perhaps you were merely traveling through the ground?


You can just ignore the fighting/randomness or join in if you wish. Though I'm not sure Creator and Dane will let you.

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