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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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....What happened to the Club War Sequel?

Like many other things it has been swept away from current discussion by other topics. And as before needs to be brought back to be the focus of our attention. Thank you Proto.

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What, Proto is siding with the enemy?! ..........this calls for a meme made original. <_<


You know that you can count on me to join the ranks Black-san. Just be sure to send a pm notifying me of when the war is ready to get underway, okay?

No raeging!


Besides I don't fit in actor while there's a technology group!


I would've been The Starscream anyways...

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Actors = RPers. That is all, Saint XD


Also, my Big Bad is Andx.

Wait so everything your group does is really going to be thanks to my secretive plans? Meaning you're only the puppet leader and I get to be the man behind the man?


@FFR: Since you seen to have the system, go for it.

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I raeg where raeging is valid and there are things to raeg for the sake of raeging due to being offended on some level of which would invoke and inevitably be followed by raeging. So yes, I will raeg, and there is nothing that you can do about it Proto-kun. Also, know that I shall be the instrument of your destruction as another chapter in our ever evolving rivalry. :lol: :P

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