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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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I figured... Also, see edit.

lol, this almost made my day. Or rather it would have if the whole day hadn't been entertaining.

Repede approves that pic. It's funny enough to make a dog lol. Well, that's an overstatement but it was still pretty funny.

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Because, he is neither in the club, nor of any importance to us at any given time, except 1 or 2 XD

Well that about sums that up perfectly. Anyway, this isn't so much a club war as it is a war between whoever shows up to participate. I mean, two of the factions are led by R.P. 820 members.

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Lang Zi says: Before aiming for the jugular, chew off the neck shield.


Yeah, I don't know how that was supposed to help. I just wanted to quote Lang Zi. Anyway, like Black said, try to keep things somewhat calm/nice. Even if that means avoiding any form of contact/interaction with the person.


Believe me I do <_<

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Ah, okay then. So what do we have thus far?

The basic plot from Nexev, which I'd have to put more work into finding then I care to at the moment, the plot from the original war RP in case we wish to use it somehow, and we know that the four factions are being led by Black, Nex, El Make, and Phantom Roxas.


EDIT: And again, ninja'd by Black.

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[spoiler=Dug up the plot]

A long ass f***ing time ago there was a great civilization, filled with technology and power.


This was the city of Forum and it was a utopia.... besides all the things that were unutopiay.


One day the city started to crumble, an ancient power known as the glitch emerged to destroy YCM and use it's technology to control.... DA WORLD!


A group of ancient and powerful heroes... the mods, managed to seal the beast, but not without sacrifice.


For the city of YCM was sent plummeting to it's depths as well.


And yet all was not lost, for many escaped the city before it's defeat and they built a new one. One with large towers of blue steel.


And thus was the city of YCBook was created.


Yet there is still struggle in this brave new world, many groups are fighting over the ruins of YCM. Some wish to unseal it and use it's power to control Glitch.


Some with to destroy it and prevent that from ever happening.


Some are just using this as an excuse to try to take control of YCBook.


A war is starting.


Where will you be when it happens?





I love ninja'ng.

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I love ninja'ng.

And normally I wouldn't care but you did it at least twice to me yesterday and now once today. And somehow I get the feeling it's going to happen a few more times before today is out.


EDIT @Shadow: There was a new banner to be made? I remember some sort of animated banner. Was that it?

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