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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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It still scared him off.


And the EX Mode has me wearing my Omega Gauntlet, which makes it to where I can't control other machines since it is such a powerful device. It is the EX form of my Gamma Gauntlet


Now in an actual RP It would allow me to use my EX Burst Infinity Blast.


Infinity Blast allows me to use 5 Ultimate attacks used by others since the Gauntlet allows me to mime other people's attacks. So i break the Dimension and use those attacks before finishing with a Mimed version of my Position Cannon blast hitting the person.


We then return to the dimension and I am severely tired and can't really fight anymore. That and anything that I was controlling with my Tech Magic no longer works/disappears.


Outside of RPs I use it to mime a bunch of random people, break the dimension and pwn people who are annoying me.


So it is original.

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Not really since it all scales to my power level and not theirs as such mine are probably at most only 65% of their total power, and I can only do this once every 3 days if I'm lucky enough to have found recharged enough EX Force.


You have to remember I'm better with my mind than I am with fighting.

and it isn't so much as breaking it as it is changing into another temporarily.


Also depending on the RP, I usually omit the dimension thing.


And Mimicry is when it involves technology instead of some random power. Shadow Zero claims to be able to mime a Mime.


How does that work exactly?

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Imma revive my Quest game, in the Games section this time.


But I'm afraid some, ahem, bad people (lack of a better term), will come, destroy its very fabric with 1 word posts which are not relevant, and no story progression, and a bunch of different plots, etc. and then mass copy versions of it which aren't that good.


Help is needed. D:


This is why I didn't post my Monopoly game, either. I doubt many of the people on here would understand the concept of money, and interest, and loans. Maybe I'm wrong, but still, scary people do scary things, and scary is scary scary!



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