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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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You know, I am still wondering, why is this Nexev fellow a evil darkness anyway



EDIT: Don't mess with the Zonan was funny, it was completely ridiculous and hilarious as such.


Because he wishes to confuse me by changing his name.


He will mesmerize you all. He's even doing it right now, with is omniscient third person powahz. It's no fair that daddy gave him all the cool tricks!


>.> All he gave me is this stupid sideways glance that I can't stop doing!

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Black there is actually TWO Hellsing animes. One is just Hellsing, the anime, and the other is Hellsing Ultimate. Hellsing Ultimate is the one that follows the animes plot the cloests and is, hands down, the better one. Go ahead and watch it. its great.


And Creator, though I don't play WOW, I could see you doing something like that XD

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Because he wishes to confuse me by changing his name.


He will mesmerize you all. He's even doing it right now, with is omniscient third person powahz. It's no fair that daddy gave him all the cool tricks!


>.> All he gave me is this stupid sideways glance that I can't stop doing!

Sorry about that. I killed myself awhile ago and a personallity took over. I'd switch in a bit.


I don't know if you are complementing me or not.


IT's eerie.



Also Portal is win cause Jonathan Coulton did Still Alive.

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