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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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Contract! Beasts of the wind bring forth your hellish plague upon my victim! SWARM OF POISON HORNETS!!! *Summons Poison Hornets all around Creator* those little guys contain a venom potent enough to kill an elephant in one sting! NOW ATTACK!! *hornets rush creator*

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*snaps fingers and the hornets dissipate* Not cool bro...not even cool T-T

*summons kitten nd picks it up* take this...ITTY BITTY KITTYLOAF ATTACK *throws kitten at mach 3 right at Creator's head* FEAR THE ADORABLE STING OF DEATH!!!


*looks over at phantom and Jake*

are those riceballs stuffed? *dashes over to Phantom and proceeds to beg like a dog wagging my three tails*

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*snuggling with Nazi Cat* did you say something Jake?


and incidentally Phantom i woulda been fine with either one :3....although i would prefer Nu-13....ahhh nu


Luna:What the f*ck is up with you and your Robot-Philia? >-<


Brox: IT'S NOT ROBOT-PHILIA!! I mean you don't see me going after Proto now do you?


Luna: That's cuz you're not gay -_-


Brox: oh yeeeah...im a Robophile

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You like Nu? Hm. That's interesting... :3


*Takes out more Japanese food seemingly from thin air*

Well she IS my favorite from the Blazblue cast and so far my favorite female video game character...well her and Lambda-11 from the 2nd game but she's pretty much a Blonde Nu with a Darker paint job...but as they Say...Black looks good on everything...AINT THAT RIGHT MARSUVEES?


Oooh do you have any Okonomiyaki?

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Well she IS my favorite from the Blazblue cast and so far my favorite female video game character...well her and Lambda-11 from the 2nd game but she's pretty much a Blonde Nu with a Darker paint job...but as they Say...Black looks good on everything...AINT THAT RIGHT MARSUVEES?


Oooh do you have any Okonomiyaki?


Especially on Taokaka-chan. :3


*Just about eats it then hands it over* I dunno what it is, I just brought it all from Japan. ^^

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