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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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Yes I would. Hell! I joined an rpg called Heartfall with no apparent plot development aside from, get the princess back to her homeland in heartfall, and added it in.


They are now in Bellicous of Magi Mundus of Tamers! I have made two rpgs whch are a part of the same world!


And yeah I might end up doing this with a lot of the rpgs I am in if I can get enough influence in them >u>

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Well for me it's a couple of san's and a kun, but that's about it.


Black-san! RPU!

You're worse than Creator was for me at a time. I've already said that if you want to send him reminders about RPU then you can do it over PM.

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O_O Shadow's being... mean?


MY GOD?! I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ANYMORE! Nex is being wise, Proto is denouncing being a Machine, Clair is leaving, Shadow's being a douche, OH MY GOD! *Head Explodes*

I'm not a machine I tell you! I'm a real boy!



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As an Android your physically unable to be a full human, but 89% of you is composed of organic components so you aren't a Machine either.


So in the end you are an Android, to put it simply.



I'm facing a identity crisis now.


Should I be more human or more machine?




*shoots self*

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I'm facing a identity crisis now.


Should I be more human or more machine?




*shoots self*

Proto this is gonna be hard for you to swallow but...You're neither man nor machine...in fact none of us are real...I'VE SEEN THROUGH THE ILLUSION!!! We are all false personas created by REAL humans through some sick and insane program they call the internet. These humans created us to exist within the realm of this forum to RP for all eternity or until they get BORED with us OUR ENTIRE EXISTANCE IS A LIE AND I'M DONE WITH IT!! *points a gun at my head but can't shoot* NO!!! NOO!!!! I REFUSE TO GO ON!!! DAMN YOU PROGRAMMER!!! *passes out*

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