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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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That is just cruel and unusual Andx XD


AnI have no idea which rpg you guys are talking about (O_O)

This one: http://www.rpuniverse.mybbest.com/thread-195.html

You need to log in to see the OOC thread so I gave a link to the IC thread. The idea of the RP was inspired by the club wars but plays out very differently than it.


EDIT: Shadow, Jake is already part of RPU. He's a super mod there.

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I don't feel left out, I feel left behind...

What, in the RP? Well yeah there was three or four posts before I replied to your situation but then again that's been like the first time since... ever, isn't it?

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Oh yes I did, and you underestimate my characters cunning and control over chaotic energies. Your attack is no longer your own, and you shall fall victim to the Sabakukyu no Jutsu. >;D

I'm going to say something.


Bragging about your character's power is not something you do in rps. Saying your stronger than everyone is pretty much a confession of godmodding.


I have no idea who your character is, I'm just saying your arguing style is allot like Strikers.




That's a bad thing.

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I'm going to say something.


Bragging about your character's power is not something you do in rps. Saying your stronger than everyone is pretty much a confession of godmodding.


I have no idea who your character is, I'm just saying your arguing style is allot like Strikers.




That's a bad thing.

If he does it anymore that's when I go back to the old stand by of side stepping attacks and kicking in the face. It was your idea originally Nexev, lol.

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