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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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lsn't it Chains of OlympUS? And l beat the game already. Seriously, GoW has passed it's prime after the epic first game. lt needs to have an ending imo.


Yeah, accept the first game had no complete storyline. Besides, 2 and 3 are great games as well.

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Never had the opportunity to play Chains of Olympus, because I didn't want a PSP. But nonetheless, the main stream games are epic. I beat all of them on their hardest difficulty settings, even through the frustration of the damn bosses, it was still epic.

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xD Well, if you're TRULY new to the game, it's not the game itself you're new to. It's the style of gameplay. Trust me.


I needed some help my damn self for Chaos mode in GoW3, but eh. It was easy to trump those damn two hit kill bosses once I read their strategies.

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God of War's gameplay isn't exactly original, but as much as people classify it as Hack and Slash, it's not. It's a combination of Dragonball-Z Budokai, Persona 3, and Final Fantasy (without the turn basis). That's the breakdown.

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