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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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Well a full four lines has never been a problem for me. Rather, it's put me in situations where I actually had to think about what to write down in order to get the full four lines that I needed, and that has led to me being able to improve as an rper rather then staying at the same level I always was.


@Raiza: Let it be known that I was the first to cal you that as it sounded better then simply Storm. lol


And I can't get the quote thing to work! D:

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Doing that would be pointless and stupid. Four lines is plenty. I swear, if he changes the amount of lines required on account of nothing more or less then the changes to the forums, then there will be repercussions, you can be sure of that.


And no, this is not a threat that is being made, this is a fact, something that would inevitably happen if he did decide to up the ante. What we already have for the advanced format is already enough.

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Shadow Zero will always be Shadow Zero. lol Anyway, am I the only one who is annoyed that you can no longer edit the title of a thread that you have made?


I'd bet money that you aren't the only one. I saw someone complaining about it in the thread YCMaker made about the change so I know at least one other person doesn't like that. I believe it's a problem that's going to be fixed eventually but for now you don't get to edit titles of threads.


@Eros: The RP seems very interesting to be sure. And while I'd like to join simply to be in an RP full of high level RPers, for some reason I'm also not sure I want to join it. I have no idea what that reason might be so I'll have to think about it a bit.

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