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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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Hey Andx, he's my other self. And he's been around for well........ since the beginning. You expect him to listen to me? The only thing is that he taught e some stuff which I can use to counteract the weaker spells he casts. But that's it. On a different note, who here isn't crazy?

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And people say I'm the crazy one.


Sire, are you sure that no one is to be executed today? M weapons need sharpening.


I'm sorry Mechanicalchaser but no one has pissed me off today.


Anyways, now to introduce you to the rest of my team.


The General, Cannon Soldier.


Pleased to meet you.


The Advisor, Robotic Knight


In my day Kings used to send decrees day and night! Now all I do is provide commentary...


With this team and my military units the machine monsters shall soon rule the world!

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