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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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But what I'm saying is that by nature of your existence, you would fail. You can't win as darkness is a absence.


Though technically this means the true creator of darkness is infact the creator of light because if you make something that is, you inavedetly create the not that the things that don't have it have.


Confusing yes but still true.

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@Creator: No since Shadow summoned the creator of light and you didn't respond.


And there is only one creator of light, he lives in space and wants America to bring back Star Trek Enterprise.


So since that's not you you are more charlatany.

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Finally he shuts up for a while. @Jake: I look forward to your preposition on my application. In the meantime I am going to catch up on some shuteye. Until tomorrow gentlemen, farewell.


*Flame tornado swirls around me. As it disappears I disappear as well, leaving no sign or no trace of any sort.*

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I am a true Creator' date=' I create Art. I create Designs, I create posts, in a sense we are all Creators in someway or another.


I'm just one of the few who have decided to take up the title.



Yes, just not THE creator, or the creator of darkness since that itself is nothng.

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*waves to flamming tornado*


Until then Zelman.


And Lelouch I completely agree with you. The Literary arts is still an art! And one must create in order to produce something, wither that something be a magnificant gem or another lump of coal to be thrown into the fires of artistry . . .


WOw (O_O) I am in a HIGH class mood tonight. Probably shouldn't of written this after posting for noblem ncps >_>

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In order to teach though, you must first have them acknowledge your superiority. Why do you think Humans are incapable of co-existing with nature? They must control things, as they believe they are superior, is it not then, that the superiors of the Humans should act as such. We can teach them at the same time, if we wish. However evolution cannot be taught, only how to act and appear evolved. Evolution happens overtime. As the first Generation we must set precedence for others to follow.

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I have never stated that we evolved beings are perfect, we are however improvements upon the human design. Overtime Humanity will cease to exist as it does and will evolve to our level. Until then we are to look down upon and guide them.

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*Glasses lens darkens as a claw grabs Lelouch by the throat* You believe yourself evolved? You believe yourself 'superior' to those you do not deem 'on your level'? You sicken me to even think that you are allowed to call the shots on humanity. I can't even go into how sick you are into thinking YOU should be the one to deem who deserves to be perfect and who doesn't.


You know why? Because Humanity as each seperate entity decides their fate; humanity chooses whether to prosper or rot. To even think yourself beyond humanity is to believe yourself god. I am not evolved, I am not perfect and I am going to kick you off your high f**king horse if you ever suggest such a concept, ever, again.

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manfred-crossed(d).gifI would have said something similar if I didn't choose to sleep at the time.


However I agree with what has been said, but with a few exceptions.

1. Jake was also in the convo, same guilt.

2. By nature of evolution the whole arguement is bs, people evolve as a need, and involve asa race, no one is a higher being than another. A hermit crab is on our same level if not better for having been able to survive for millenniums without change. Everyone has the same amount of skills.



It's what you do that gives you power.


Our power is not "evolution" it's merely "wit" forged from my own pit or turmoil and tick offs.

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Evolution only takes place every few hundred millennia. However, it does not happen all at once. The newer race of humans would be born and seen as different. As a result, they would be persecuted, as well as likely being rounded up. As humans, whenever something better then us comes along, we find that we have a major inferiority complex and try to stamp that thing out. To bad there's yet to be a way to overcome that issue.

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