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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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I looked a bout 2 weeks ago' date=' and the RP was almost dead. No posts since the 22nd or so.



Yeah, it was almost dead then. After you left I unfortunately let it really slow down because I had no idea how to go about continuing it. Then when I finally got an idea, I had to leave for my week long trip. But after about half a week after I got back, it got going again. Though it's mostly been me and Lelouch posting because he's off on his own. Now Shadow's also joined so Primal has someone to interact with.

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Aaaaah' date=' Good. Glad it is still alive! I have an idea for Luso Form WAY later on.



Yeah, though since it was inactive for a bit not a lot has happened since Black's been unconscious. Whenever you want that idea brought in just run it by me and it'll make it's way in somehow. Or just do it whenever you want, there's that too.


*Sees almost 210 pages. Hides picture of the first page of the old club.*


You can get emotional when this thread makes it to 1000 pages. lol Somehow I doubt that'll happen. The page hider is up to 6-7 posts, I think thought I'm not sure, and I wonder how long it'll be before someone can't take it anymore.

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Did you ever get around to playing A2? I'm gonna find a way to use the Parivir's strongest ability... Not what you would think.


No, A2 lost my interest early on. It just didn't seem as appealing as the original Tactics Advanced. I suppose I should get on finishing it at some point. I'll have to look up that ability then.

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@Lelouch: Of course. Exponential growth gets out of hand really quickly. So of course it would only take a few minutes to go through the roof. Unless Phantom also got a roof that exponentially increases its height around the same time he got us stickied again.

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