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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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*Shoots Lulu in the head knowing he'll survive*


Yo' date=' back for a moment guys. How are y'all?


EDIT: ... 20.... minutes... no one posts?!After you've gone about 100 pages since I left?



Black! Curse my timing, you're already gone! But yeah, the posting didn't stop altogether when you left this time. And Phantom got us stickied again! But as of recent days activity has taken a bit of a dive. But you're already off so this is all rather pointless isn't it?

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@Black: We were all clueless as to how it happened. One day we got on and the club was stickied. I think most of us thought, "cool" and that was it. I thought maybe Phantom Roxas stickied us because he had stickied the Organization like the day before. Then later that day Phantom comes on says something like, guess what phantom got us stickied? So then we all knew who to thank.

EDIT: oh yeah, there was some bickering, but we're over that.

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Please, Black. In the 100 pages you missed, 20-minute intervals are seen everywhere.


Ya just had bad timing, and so did we.


I'll join your RP, Shadow, if you are desperate for a hero... But I don't really play hero good. I could play innocent bystander, but no one likes those anymore, something like "mixes up the plot" and whatnot.


*stares at guy in corner named "Innocent Bystander #1"*


The fools gave you the wrong title, Innocent Bystander #1...

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Y'all heard the man! Get a move on! lol


So, any RPs goin' on that will be around in 2+ weeks? Hm?


What happened to RPU?


o.O I deleted a post?


When I looked at it' date=' my post was in between. But now it's above... Could it possibly be that I posted at the exact same time Black did?



I saw that too... I guess so?

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RPU is RPU and is moving along accroding to the return of the Master of Chaos. But yeah, it's still going.


War of Darkness

Destiny's Call


I get a chance to show Striker my TRUE power in the second one. Think Nexevs clones, then take that to the next level of creation from myself and being my silent eyes and ears. Zero Virus anyone? :twisted:

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