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Remenber the plot contest idea?


I really want to get that set up before black shows up.


Then let's start formalizing it.


First off, some things that need to be established:

-How often it's held.

-Where to hold it, meaning what section do we post a thread for it in?

-General guidelines for plots. Do we want to limit what type of plot we accept or not?

-Prizes. (I think we covered this in the past.)

-Judges. I assume it would be the leaders, but it's still something that needs to be formalized.

-Miscellaneous. (Whatever else I forgot.)

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Remenber the plot contest idea?


I really want to get that set up before black shows up.


Then let's start formalizing it.


First off' date=' some things that need to be established:

-How often it's held.

-Where to hold it, meaning what section do we post a thread for it in?

-General guidelines for plots. Do we want to limit what type of plot we accept or not?

-Prizes. (I think we covered this in the past.)

-Judges. I assume it would be the leaders, but it's still something that needs to be formalized.

-Miscellaneous. (Whatever else I forgot.)



-Once every 2 months

-In the fa-0fic section

-No limit, just nothing rated M or higher

-Rep/banner/Member Card



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I think judges should be two leaders and last winner, if the last winner already is a judge then a third leaser.


Plot themes should vary but should be at least 5 lines in length and have a clearly established setting and conflict.


The contest should take place here as this way we get more posts and less locked threads when contests are ended.


The tournament should be held monthly so many people can enter, the last week of the month is judging day.


Prize is a rep, a mark on the first post, and maybe the right to use a special Club banner saying you are a winner and such.

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Andx that seems to be the gist of it. Though I do believe these two could be easily finalised;


-How often it's held. - I believe that we where debating between weekly and or Monthly, I'd say go with monthly to give time to work on it and time to recupperate from the work load.


-Where to hold it, meaning what section do we post a thread for it in? If Tempest or Black do not mind I can dedicate a section in RPU for it, but that would require members to join if they want to participate.


-Judges. - Well my original idea was to make polls for it and let everyone have a say on it that way everyone can partake in the event.

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1.) About once every two months

2.) I say an official OOC Thread

3.) I say it should vary with each competition, but specific rules will be created as a base line

4.) A Rep from each participating member and, if desired, a created card. As an added bonus the rpg can be created by us.

5.) Black, Tempest, Andx, myself

6.) No clue (O_O)

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First off, some things that need to be established:

-How often it's held.

-Where to hold it, meaning what section do we post a thread for it in?

-General guidelines for plots. Do we want to limit what type of plot we accept or not?

-Prizes. (I think we covered this in the past.)

-Judges. I assume it would be the leaders, but it's still something that needs to be formalized.

-Miscellaneous. (Whatever else I forgot.)


-We should host it monthly

-Fan-Fic sections are good for plot contest

-Guidelines should be for whatever Genre of plot you want to make it. For Example, A horror Genre.

-Prizes should be something Like this.

1st 3 reps and 200 points

2nd 2 reps and 100 points

3rd 1 rep and 50 points.

-Judges should be people who can write really well. Like Jake for instance

- Make sure to leave a post length and Make sure that you have a good rubric.

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Yay you guys are working on this! ^-^ Air hugs for everyone.


And i'm going to completely ignore the fact that when l asked nobody wanted to do it =*(


So uhh, my turn


-Every month is perfect.

- I suppose we can try another thread to grab attention first?

-Plots should be limitless but sensible. Of course, those participating should KNOW what a plot is, but that's about it.

-Judges. Meh.

-Misc - Anything we forget can always be added later.

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*IS airhugged by Tempest* =O ^^


Monthly sounds good to me. I also agree that it should be here, although if you guys really want to have an external trhead to raise awareness at first, then I won't object.


Prizes: A rep from each participating member and a choice of a Tag, sig, avi, or created card made by a leader of the R.P.820 club.

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We really need a good reward?


I suggest a title in the club like "Winner guy" and 2 reps.


So now here is how I envision it.


First tornament,


Starts here


topic is Space rp


Judged by Andx, Proto, and Jake,


Reward: title of Crafter of Realms, and 2 reps




And contests are monthly.


Some contests have better rewards and such but only if designated.

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I agree with Zero on everything. Except the hug.


*bicycle kicks the air hug*


I don't like being touched' date=' even though the air.



I can enough to be able to try. I'm not gonna say they will be awesome though.



Ugh... you know, your resfusal of my love is beggining to be a problem. *snatches hug*

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