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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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LOL I had to put that out there. I am actually quite happy with my rpgs- even though myth and myth Reborn both died on me, they continued for a darn good ammount of time.


SoP is my unconcious brainchild, I don't want to see it go until it ends properly. As for Tamers it has high hopes of matching SoP.


Keys . . . well . . . Keys is still in "developmental phase" and might be in parallel ideals with Shadow's RPG- since they almost sound the same (O_O)

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Yeah I know Broken. You should know how my rpgs are. that is pretty much what I do. I come up with one idea, usually made by an "oh that'd be interesting!" remark, and then worked on to make everyone want to join.


And Shadow you know what I mean >u> their both dealing with interdimensional things . . .

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I stopped nagging people to join and I think I have finally gotten over nagging people to post. I was REALLY bad about nagging people to post- something that annoyed Tempest to no end.


But I only did it because sometimes the rpgs would go a while without posts, and I mean five days=nothing.

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Join which Leouch?


And Broken ah you just brought back some memories X3 I haven't used that name for a while, though I am going top be bringing it back with Pravus Academy- an rpg Andrew got me to join.


That rpg was Adventures ran by . . . god I actually comepletey forgot who ran that [though I know it wasn't me]. Broken who DID run Adventures until it died? Wasn't it Black or someone else?

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*waves hand*


OMG I can't believe I forgot Grim the Wanderer! I helpped him make that! I was the co-owner before co-owning was something everyone thought about. He was my first rp buddy (TT_TT)


I talk to him every so often when he gets on, but most of the time he is gone. And yeah it was a fun rpg- too bad we never got past much of the relics.


*glint in eye*


Speaking of relics *evil grin* Broken did I ever mention that those were MY idea? And as such . . . Tamers has a revised version of them *evil laugh*

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You guys make me feel so old.


Such talk of something that feels so recent to me...


Which reminds me, any RPs by Blazing? He is my favorite RP maker. Second to Jake, of course.


Jake, name your favorite star that is not Polaris.


Lost, name your favorite star that is not Polaris, and sounds good as a name.


Shadow, name your favorite star that is not Polaris, and sounds good as a name.


Pwease? I need it for something... I'd rather not tell...

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I know the relics were your idea, why else would Balthazar mention them. Looking at Pravus, dunno if I would want to join or not. I already have my monster in mind, but I must consider.


And I think the relics were mentioned in the plot of Tamers.

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I had a previous account that I never really used because at the time, I was really busy with lots of other stuff. But I would look at some RPs, just never joined them.


Wait, what did you say? Was that even directed at me?


Everyone here is probably older than me. But I think we went over this, no?


Oh, it's for, um... something. I'd like some of you to name some main characters for me. Oh, don't think the stars is the first part. I haz meh more questions.

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Yeah I generally play rpgs "close to my chest" so you THINK you are doing everything with free will . . . but I am secretly pulling you along by a little string XD


No seriously . . . I have next to NO plot ever thought out. They just come to me, which I think adds to the fun since you guys come up with some of the ideas and it all just adds in.

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