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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| [~]


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Sounds good to me Andx. The only change I would likely make is giving my character a humanoid form though.


So if I gave you this link: http://www.rpuniverse.mybbest.com/forum-32.html

you would consider reading that ooc thread, joining that forum, and then participating in the RP? Oh wait, I forgot, you have to be logged in to see that forum. So the order should really be: join that forum, read the ooc thread, and join that RP.

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  'Shadow Zero said:

.......You are seriously pushing it Andx. Well' date=' I MIGHT try doing to forums at once, although I really don't know how well that would work. e.e



Not much goes on there at the moment, mostly just this one RP. It wouldn't be like you'd have to deal with two explosively active forums. Just one really active forum in YCM and few RPs, if any more ever are made, in RPU.

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  'Shadow Zero said:

Andx' date=' is your user different in RPU?



He is Death the Kid.


What Lelouch said. I'm normally Necromancer Jade there but I'll change back to that name when Black returns.

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Jesus Christ people! I vanish for two/three days and all of this posting happens . . . I REALLY feel sorry for Black once he gets back and the ammount of work he'll have to be readinig- if he actually does read everything we've posted while we're gone.


BTW, going to go see Predators today (^^)b

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Are you able to freely change your name whenever you want on that forum or something? =/


...Well... the mods can.


@Jake: I feel sorry for Black too. But he'll be happy that things didn't completely stop around here when he left for once. Wait, if we're this active now, what will it be like when Black gets back? lol

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  'Shadow Zero said:

Awesome' date=' we can use self proclaimed titles! ^^


I know what you mean about the whole disagreement thing Louch. That always happened with me as well.


You know Jake. Keys WAS getting a lot of attention on here. Perhaps you should move it back?



As long as members where interested in it then why move it. From what I saw Andx, Createur and Black where all interested in it. I was as well but never did post to it all though I did tell Jake that he could use any and all lock rp from RPU. As for mine you can use any of them as well since alot of them where good but never stayed open for very long. If he trys bumping it, maybe we could acctually get it started.

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