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His Dark Materials: A (Golden) Compass Saga. (Accepting) (WE HAVE STARTED!)

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Look up to my name. See the pun? Ha? Ha? Ha? Yeah...it's not that funny, is it?


[spoiler=Plot] The worlds are unstable yet again, and the Dark Materials are popping up again. The Angels have become dark and fallen, killing without cause, being controlled by something in a distant world. You will venture to different lands in order to find what is causing the dust to fell the Angels, and stop it at all costs.





1. Follow the Advanced Clause.


3. That's it!




[spoiler= Definitions]

Daemon: Your soul, in some worlds manifested as an animal that is with you at all times. You feel what it feels, and can see what it sees. If it's torn away from you, it hurts you and the Daemon. Can transform to different animals, up untill you reach 16, and then it stays in one shape.


The Dark Materials: Items that appear to some (un)lucky boys and girls, which have special powers that allow them to help the worlds obtain peace.


Angels: Large, heavenly beings who can fly, and have no Daemon. Powerfull cretures, much taller then a human being.








Daemon: (Fits your personality.)


Material and its powerl: (Must be in this Format: The (Adjective describing noun) (Noun))


Homeworld: (A daemon world, or a non-daemon world?)



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Name: Luca Saunders


Daemon: Luca's daemon, Cameleibrion, usually takes the form of a small fox, though she is very indecisive, and can be seen in one of any number of animal forms. Cameleibrion (Camelei for short) is usually calm and quiet, though she worries and ponders things much more than Luca.

Personality: Luca is calm and quiet, but he is also rash and adventurous. He loves exploring, much to the dismay of his daemon. He is also friendly, and loves making friends with anyone else, though this is another area where Camelei, who is much more reserved, disagrees with him.

Bio: Luca grew up in a small family, in which both his parents demons took forms of small primates, and his older brother's settled in the form of a wolf. Though Luca was always being told not to, he always would leave and go off on adventures. Though Camelei didn't like it, she didn't have any choice but to follow him, being his daemon. Even though Camelei warns him against it, Luca always goes places he is told not to, or does things he is not supposed to. Much to his daemon's disapproval, he is hardly ever caught.

Material: The Aquamarine Sword

HomeWorld: Daemon world

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Reserve please. Love the Dark materials.


BTW, I know it's a good play on your name but it isn't golden compass. I hate that name as it's not a compass, it's an aliethiometer. I prefere the name: northen lights. And Angels aren't powerful. As explained by Bartholemew, Angels are weak creature, and a weak human could easily push one to the ground.

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Oh oh oh ohhhhhh!! I love His Dark Materials!! I made an RP once, very well-planned, but nobody like the series... D:


[spoiler=My Finished App]Name: Rosalie Stone ((Not related to the sparkly vampire))

Appearance: [spoiler=Rosalie]runa_11.jpg


Daemon: Red Fox

Personality: Rosalie is graceful, sly, and very cunning. She is silent and ferocious, just like her Daemon. She tends to be a bit of a liar sometimes, but is honest when it comes to an important cause. Rosalie likes to have companions, but isn't very trusting of other people. She's always waiting for somebody to stab her in the back, which is one of the main reasons why she doesn't have many friends, because of her accusations.

Material and its power: The White Rose. The White Rose can destroy and create life, when the right child uses it. An example is that with a small amount of blood, the White Rose can either slit somebody to create a gash, perhaps, or heal a small wound. With a large amount of blood, the White Rose can kill, or it can almost revive somebody from death.

Bio: Rosalie lived an adventurous sort of life. You know, spying on old people, pranking unsuspecting children... The usual. She hung around with her Daemon, a Red Fox. Her Daemon, Eoxeis ((Eek-sis)) was the only one that truly understood her. When she found the White Rose, it confused her to be given such an object, to be so unlucky as to find an object with such power and to be trusted with it...

Homeworld: Daemon World


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You should really put age in the app, as after 16 the daemon stays a certain shape.


finishing app now.

Name: Siol Namin

Age: 15

Appearance: [spoiler=]anime-boy.jpg


Daemon: Boloctonian, can transform at will. Boloctonian is a serious natured guy who always evaluates the risks. Retains Siol's Genius, but is more like the serious, cautious version. His favourite form is an Owl, however, Siol's is the panther form Boloc is usually in.

Personality: Siol is a friendly person, who loves company. However, he usually doesn't make friends, as they usually leave him because of his genius.

Material and its power: The Desolate talon. A necklace with a talon in it the makes the user become invisible at will. Only works when worn. The wearer, when invisible, is undetectable in anyway, except for the fact that he still creates a shadow.

Bio: Siol was born into a poor family raised on the boundaries of london in Lyra's world, and was treated poorly by his parents. At 10 he ran away, and was taken in by Nicola Nigelson, a rich scientist in London, famous for having help in the discovery of Dust. She soon realised Siol's Genius when he passed all his high school tests with 100%, and completed every test in the school with the same mark. She gave him an IQ test, and he got a rank of over 250, of the chart. She raised him well and got him the best teachers, but he baffled them and they soon gave up. However, Nicola, his new mother, loved him all the same. He soon got them a fortune from quiz shows and such, ending them ages quicker than they should have, and was soon famous. Then, he vanished. He was asleep one night, and the next day he woke up in a field, near a stream and there was a giant crack in the air, which closed and vanished. He was trapped, the only way out to use his intellect and the Daemon with him, which had the same amount of Genius, and find some company.

Homeworld: Daemon world.

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Accepted so far. And the age thing...That's something I feel overcomplicates things. We're children, that's all we need to know!


I feel your pain, Pegasasu. I make almost entirely book rps, and they always fail... I'm sorry about yours!

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